Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Principles of Life

I've been passing out copies of the 12 Spiritual Principles at meeting that I attend. I am never amazed at the number of people who do not know what these are. We talk about them but they are never mentioned in the big per se in the Big Book. I found these at the 6th Step House out side of Encinedas CA (miss spelled) in the early 90's.

Here they are: Honesty, Hope, Faith, Courage, Integrity, Willingness, Humility, Love, Discipline, Perseverance, Awareness, Service. They really come alive when you learn the definition to each one. It kind of attaches themselves to the individual steps.

What I've found is this - when I am having a bad few days, I can go to these principles and practice each one perfectly for that day. I know that I will never reach perfection, but I can accept progress for that day. Then I move on to the next principle the next day. I find that I regain my center and I am kinder to my fellow kids that I run into on our collective journey.

It works for me.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blake Snyder RIP 1952 - 2009

Oh my god! Say it isn't true.

This was my response when in brought up Blakesnyder.com and read the post that he had passed away yesterday morning.

For those of us who knew Blake, it will be a loss beyond compare. He was one of the kindest, loving men I have ever had the privilege to know.

He was a screenwriter's writer. He had written over 70 screenplays. Blake loved his craft and writers of all kinds. He loved story. In his book "Save the Cat" he laid out a simple structure that illuminated what makes a great story great. His gift was to share what he learned with thousands of writers around the world.

I will miss Blake as a friend and a mentor. God Bless his family and many friends.

Blake loved dramatic twist endings.


Namaste Speedo

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Time passes

I can't believe that it's been 3 weeks since I wrote here. I think that it's because I've been using facebook to keep up with friends and info. I am still not sure if facebook is worth it. It seems like I am getting information that is nonsense to me and others. But, I will continue to watch it and see what happens.

Okay. It's been hot here in Wenatchee. . . . 103! Not for us who has lived years in summer desert weather . . . 110 to 122 for a couple of months, it seems like the citizens of eastern Washington are wimps when it comes to hot weather. Whatever - I can tell you that it does cool off to the high 60's to mid 70's at night. 

I have been having computer wars. My hard drive frozen up on my laptop a couple of weeks ago. I am in the process of replacing it, but I think that I lost all of my programs. I will see what I can do when I get it up and running once again. I did back up my files a couple of weeks ago so I didn't loose that much. The only thing that I am concerned about is my iTunes music. I think that I have a way to retrieve it, but again I will have to wait to I install the new hard drive.

I have been riding my bike about 15 miles a day since I arrived here. The hills are both killing me and assisting in my health condition. I will have to say that the move to Wenatchee and the Washington health care system has saved my butt. They have been wonderful, kind and more than professional in the way that they have treated me. I have had more doctor clinic visits and more diagnostic procedures in the last 7 weeks than I have had in previous 7 months under the California system. I can't say enough about the kindness the people have shown me. 

The people that I have met at meetings here have opened their hearts and arms to me, welcoming me. After going to meetings on a daily basis, I can tell you that the program is working well in Wenatchee and surrounding towns. I've made numerous friends and found a men's meeting that is not unlike the men's group meetings that I attended in Palm Desert. 

Well that should bring you up to date with what is going on in the great northwest. Oh. Today was Seattle's Seafair Hydroplane race on Lake Washington. It brought back memories of the craziness that myself and friends experienced along with 300,000 other nuts both on the lake shore and boats watching the race. I hadn't watched the race of over 20 years and I can still remember the craziness - and fun - that we experienced. We would take a dozen people out on our boat for ten years. It was like it was yesterday. That was another life time.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo