Most people fold. They lash out at everyone and everything. Everything they touch turns to mud - aka s&%t!
What is the difference? What I have found is it all breaks down to your level of acceptance. If you think that you have to approve of anything in order to accept it - well you might be walking through a lot of mud - and bringing the mud into your house, spreading it all over you loved ones.
I learned that Acceptance has absolutely nothing to do with approval. It is just reality for that moment. Nothing more and nothing less. It's NOW! No NOW! No NOW!
When I cannot accept someone or something at this moment, and I use this as an excuse to lash out and throw a tantrum - it's my serenity that suffers. Emotionally. Really all that I am at any time is a bundle of emotions. I have a choice how I choose to express them or not. This is the power that I have within my grasp.
For me, this was a difficult lessen to learn. It takes a lot of patience and practice. Don't give up on yourself. In this life, all we really have is love and emotional sobriety.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo