I saw this quote on the Seahawks from Coach Carroll - “The better we know who we are, the better we’ll be,” Carroll told his staff. “The more we can embrace the thought of who we want to be, the faster we can become it.”
I think that about sums up the Chase Your Potential philosophy. Until I decide what I want to be - whether it is career, relationship, creative, whatever. . . . until that happens and moves from my head to my heart I am just existing. I flounder like a boat with out a rudder. I just move with the flow. Directionless.
I know about this because that is me - or rather it was me. Indecisive and lost. And after a time I wallowed in my fears. A friend point out that fear was just False Emotions Apprehending my Reality. In retrospect that was my prison.
When I discovered my passion for Coaching and Chasing My Potential I became alive. The push over the next three months is to manifest a select clientele who wants to Chase their Potential in all areas of their lives.
Maybe it's you.
Chasing required Change. Change required Courage. Courage to requires Honesty. All of the above requires Discipline to Persevere.
I love this.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo