I have had a rebirth in my ideas concerning chasing your potential. Not really potential but an easier way to acquire it. Claim it. Accept it. Recognize that it exists now - It Does!
I couldn't become anything until I claimed I was that person all ready. Silly isn't it. Nike says it best - "Just Do It". I claimed that I was a guitar player - I was a guitar player. I claimed I was a skier - I was a skier. I claimed I was a writer - I was a writer. Too simple.
Try doing anything. Try opening a door. Try climbing a ladder. Try not smoking. Nothing in this life happens until you do it. Open the door. Climb the ladder. Stop smoking. Why do we think that we have to try everything. We either do it or not.
Life is the same way. Put away all the pre-taught lessons given to us by our "teachers". As helpful that you may think they are, they are not helping you to be the person you want to be. They limit who you really are. They define you so why not make them grand, over the top, out of this world, universe size. That is who you really are. You are all that you can be.
If you can think it, dream it, feel it - you are all ready there.
Today - Claim who you really are. No limitations.
Focus on what you want. There is no room for anything else. This takes practice and more practice. If you feel yourself slipping back to all thoughts, rules, limitations - toss them out immediately. This is you. This is your dream. This is your movie. This is your Life.
Claim it - Live it. Have fun. Feel your happiness.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo