Thursday, March 31, 2011

What's stopping you?

Are you worried about loosing the familiarity of the past and all it’s drama. Leaping off onto unfamiliar ground? Is this what is holding you back from your new movie? Fear of making a change and having it not work out? Where are these thoughts coming from? Guess?

You are trying to figure this out using old thinking. These are the echoes of your past because you have not committed to your movie. You are measuring the potentials based on half-hearted attempts to experience the what-if I changed. You cannot experience true change by half-hearted attempts. The only true change comes with the empty handed leap of faith.

Are you really finished with the lessons that pre-change has brought to you? Can you trust your inner voice that is telling you that this is not working anymore? Trust only comes with commitment to something new. If you find yourself dragging your feet you are living in doubt. Doubt and Trust cannot occupy in the heart of change. Faith in your true spirit will see you through all change. Knowingness that all is perfect in the now. Now can you trust future potentials? I think you can. You wouldn’t have created this moment if you couldn't

You either trust in yourself or you don’t. Simple. Clear. Powerful. And…. All vulnerable to yourself and what you bring into your life to work for you. This is the essence of your movie. You have lived it in the dreams and now is the time to bring it into your spirit.

Your spirit is crying out for the release of doubt. Trust your spirit to be true to you. Let go of your mind as a source of creation for Your Movie. If you take an honest look at what your mind has brought you in the past - your desire to give your movie back to your mind? Is that nuts?

You can't think your way into your movie. It's too limiting. You are into expansion today. Your mind limits you from leaping ahead. It limits you by holding onto logical steps that it understands. State the goal or dream and be surprised by the journey to arrival. You will be happier.

How's Your Movie coming along?

Namaste Speedo

Monday, March 28, 2011

Potentials Past and Future

Potentials have always been with us. We choose whitch one we want to bring into reality and our lives. This goes not only for the future potentials we want but also for the past potentials we didn't choose.

These discarded potentials exist in our minds sadly. Why? Because most of us choose to live in the past potentials we never chose. We spent time reliving "what ifs". Chewing on our possibilities that escaped us. Choices we made still haunt us.

We are stealing time from our present now by allowing past potentials to cloud our observation of today.

We suffer the same confusion when we analyze our present potentials by spending too much time in our minds. We believe that if you think our way through life it will get better. This is the illusion which mind presents for us based upon all its time spent reliving the past potentials we didn't choose because it thinks if "we just analyzed our potentials better"...

What does this leave us? The now!

Potentials don't exist in the moment because as soon as we choose a potential it becomes a choice and we own it. All the other potentials now exist in our past. And we act on our choice and our life changes. This is all good.

What this taught me was to become an observer of my own life and through awareness of my conscious decisions live in the now. Nothing else exists but the now. How cool is this.

Today I spent less time thinking my way through life.

I have spent way too much energy trying to change my past and just as much time attempting to prepare for my future. What I lost was my present. I lost my movie.

Ask yourself what do I want? What would I choose right now? Get clarity on your wants. They are there only if you are clear. It's about being clear!

How's your movie coming???

Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Living in the Past

We all do it. Why?

It tells us we are alive by what we have accomplished or experienced. It gives us a reason to live today by what we have done in the past. This is crazy. This limits us. Turns us away from new experiences.

Today, this moment is the only thing we truly have. Just now. Why would you want to base today on what has already happened? Why limit my experiences by past feelings, emotions, and all the other limited measurements that I continue to hold onto?

Let them all go. Live in today. Live in the moment and breath. You cannot breath in the past. So I don't want to live there. I will miss all the gifts that await me today. In this moment.

It takes practice. Think of all the time you spend talking about what took place earlier. Last night. Yesterday. Growing up. They're gone except in your memories. You live in one past event - you live your life in all past events.

Love yourself for who you are today. Not who you were. Let it in. Let it all in as you go through your day. The people you meet only recognize you for who you are today. Not what you have done. It's nice, but who really cares besides you? Answer - no one.

Make this moment your movie and project it to the world. It's a blockbuster. Academy award winner starring YOU!

Your Life - Your Movie!

Namaste Speedo

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Create Your Movie

Not surprising to most of us, but we create our life.

What the surprise is that we are now living our creation. It's our Movie.

How is yours coming along? You are showing it to everyone already.

If you believe that you are a victim to circumstances I have to guess that you are not too happy with the way it's turning out. What are you willing to do about that?

Start right now by changing your attitude from pessimistic to optimistic. Take control of your thoughts, dreams and feelings to change your life. Don't settle.

Be creative in this life.

Be selfish with your movie.

After all, it's your life that you are living. Choose wisely. Choose your life. Choose your dream. Become the star we are all waiting to see. Make your movie a blockbuster.

You can start with baby steps and build upon them everyday. Practice right now. You can start your day over at any time. Refuse to accept old habits that you have held onto. Create new habits. You will be astonished by the results. Practice something new everyday and watch what happens.

Your Movie is exciting. I can't wait to see it!

Your Life - Your Movie!

Namaste Speedo

Monday, March 7, 2011

No Doubt Know Faith

It's really simple. It's really easy. Never doubt yourself. Press forward. Have faith in you.

Okay what's this all about?

Have you ever noticed how often we doubt our success. But we never doubt our failures. Why do we do that. Doubt builds walls and halts our faith and success.

I think it stems to our parents telling us not to boast about our accomplishments and abilities.

I say nuts to this. I will boast about my abilities humbly. If I can spin a story I should tell people so. If I am a great house painter I should say so. If I give the best pest control service I need not apologize. If I am spiritual healer I owe it to people to tell them so.

We have been trained that it's better to be a "Doubting Thomas" than a promoter of ourself or others. This is nuts and I am change. I recognize my skills and promote them.

I am eliminating all of my doubts (Habits) and have faith that all will work out. I will manifest and create the life I want. The success that I want. The relationships I want. This is the way it has always been only we were to embarrassed to claim it. Claim it now. Receive what is your's for the claiming. It is easy. It is fun. It is loving yourself. I is the truth of who you really are. Celebrate life and you will receive wonderful gifts.

How about you? Share who you truly are. The real you. No need to hind. Light a fire within yourself to lead the way. It's who you are.

Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo