Are you worried about loosing the familiarity of the past and all it’s drama. Leaping off onto unfamiliar ground? Is this what is holding you back from your new movie? Fear of making a change and having it not work out? Where are these thoughts coming from? Guess?
You are trying to figure this out using old thinking. These are the echoes of your past because you have not committed to your movie. You are measuring the potentials based on half-hearted attempts to experience the what-if I changed. You cannot experience true change by half-hearted attempts. The only true change comes with the empty handed leap of faith.
Are you really finished with the lessons that pre-change has brought to you? Can you trust your inner voice that is telling you that this is not working anymore? Trust only comes with commitment to something new. If you find yourself dragging your feet you are living in doubt. Doubt and Trust cannot occupy in the heart of change. Faith in your true spirit will see you through all change. Knowingness that all is perfect in the now. Now can you trust future potentials? I think you can. You wouldn’t have created this moment if you couldn't
You either trust in yourself or you don’t. Simple. Clear. Powerful. And…. All vulnerable to yourself and what you bring into your life to work for you. This is the essence of your movie. You have lived it in the dreams and now is the time to bring it into your spirit.
Your spirit is crying out for the release of doubt. Trust your spirit to be true to you. Let go of your mind as a source of creation for Your Movie. If you take an honest look at what your mind has brought you in the past - your desire to give your movie back to your mind? Is that nuts?
You can't think your way into your movie. It's too limiting. You are into expansion today. Your mind limits you from leaping ahead. It limits you by holding onto logical steps that it understands. State the goal or dream and be surprised by the journey to arrival. You will be happier.
How's Your Movie coming along?
Namaste Speedo