Sunday, June 29, 2008

Spaceship Speedo

Welcome to Spaceship Speedo - It's my journey toward adventure and discovery.

I know this statement seems a little strange, but I want you to stay with me. After all, aren't we all on our individual journeys of discovery? Everyday we venture out into the unknown? I choose to look at life like it's a spaceship heading toward some distant destination in a far far away land.

I can either look at my journey as haphazard like that of a pinball game or I can become the captain of my spaceship with the heart and eyes of an explorer searching for adventure, new lands full of friendly natives and treasure just waiting for me. Sounds life fun and excitement doesn't it. Well it hasn't always been that way for me.

Growing up I found myself at the direction of the supreme commander - mom and dad. They laid out the destinations of my journey including supplies, housing and training. It all worked well as long as I paid strict attention to the rules of the command.

When I got out on my own - command rules were adjusted through my experiences. But I was in command of my spaceship. The adventures continued. My exploration was frightening and exciting at the same time. Luckily for me I was part of a convoy of like-minded spaceships speeding through the galaxy. I took a copilot on board from time to time, but in retrospect they were merely pilots. They assisted my knowledge of many lands that we explored. Their patience and kindness helped develop my since of command.

Today my command of Spaceship Speedo is the accumulation of all my adventures. The local group and distant natives help shape my command skills. Battles I've fought and lost and the battles I've won. I learn more from my mistakes than my successes. Fortunately most of my scars have healed over time. I firmly believe the phrase - "Repeat for Correction". Life is a constant adjustment to where I am and the destination I've laid into my Nav-Computer.

Welcome to Spaceship Speedo. This is my journey as part of an alliance of close spaceships. I have learned much from fellow skippers as to the best ports to visit and those to bypass.

Be sure to leave your anchor lights on - you never can tell when we might visit your convoy. Like-minded explorers/friends are important out here on our journey through life's universe.

Chase Your Potential - Your Life Your Rules
Namaste Speedo

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