Friday, January 30, 2009

Alienation Revealed

First -I want to urge you to go see "Slumdog Millionaire". It's wonderfully written and directed. A sure winner.

A friend of mine was talking about his son asking him what Kafka's "Metamorphosis" was about. His take was that the main character ends up killing himself over feeling alienated. My heart stopped and I took one of those revealing deep breathes. I have felt that way all of my life.

Real or perceived - alienation permeates society. Ours and everyone around the world.

Here's my take on how we become alienated. . . . It's just my observation for what it's worth.

Initially - I believe to starts at home for most of us. When those who are suppose to love and protect us as children - pull away their physical and emotional love we are left alone. Fear begins to exist everywhere and we - human beings - blame ourselves as the reason we are being discarded. After a period of months or years we fall into the fight or flight syndrome. We strike out at everyone and everything because we do not want to feel the pain of being rejected.

I know this is really simplistic - I am not a psychologist - it just seems to be the logical evolution of how I felt alienated.

For me, it was more physical love being withdrawn than emotional love. I knew my parents loved me emotionally - but physical love was not part of my family dynamic as I recall my childhood. I just seemed to stop playing with any physical contact from my parents or siblings. After physical contact was removed - I believe I stopped laughing that gut level laughter that kids experience. Maybe the lack of laughter made me feel alienated? Life became too serious.

I know that when I get scared in a relationship - real or preceived, alienation raises its ugly head. I pull away to protect myself. I know that this is the major cause of my last heartbreak. I am so sorry that I did not have the courage to laugh more. Forgive me.

What's your alienation factor? Laugh more! They are not doing this to us - Love is the answer.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

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