Thursday, February 26, 2009

Days of Whine and Focus?

I read a friend's blog ( - the link is listed) now and then to keep up with my fellows in the screenwriting community. From time to time I skim through the archives to see what I've missed. My inspiration for today's blog came from Blake's January blog "What's your focus."

What's your focus is an important question today. We all need to check our focus daily. Otherwise we, I, get lost in all the "issues" that we get bombarded with through news, work, kids, neighbors - really everything that surrounds us on a daily basis.

It is so easy to become a "whiner" and a victim. I have to remember that I am responsible for my life and the decisions that I make. I need to make conscious appraisals and decisions based on facts. I need to be honest with what I see coming down the road and adjust my "life's budget" accordingly. If I do not - I will be lost in deluded thoughts and excuses asking "what just happened?" I cannot afford to live my life that way.

So - the most important issue that we can focus on is our family. We are responsible for keeping our family - those living under our roof - safe and secure. Our friends and adult children are responsible for their families too.

Next, if we are self-employed, we need to focus on what is important - that is to keep our doors open. We have to work smart. We need to learn to be prudent in all our decisions. If we are a small business with employees, we have hard choices to make. We cannot live in the delusion that next week will magically be better. Customers are slow to pay in times like this. You still have hard fixed costs to cover and we still need to look out for our families - #1. We cannot take security and food out of our families mouths to save our employee's families. It's a tough call, but they are responsible for the security of their families by being good stewards in their financial world. And - deep down inside they understand this.

Next, if we work for someone as their employee, we have to become realistic to what is going on. I choose to become proactive and ask how secure they are? What do they predict the future holds for them. Then, armed with that knowledge, I take it home and talk to my family about what's going on. It does no one any good to pretend that everything is just fine. All this does is build resentment and stress. This is not being an alarmist

If I focus on becoming a professional in my life. If I can be completely honest with my family. We have a wonderful opportunity to ride this adventure with grace together.

Being a professional - I must allow my family members to be scared and walk through their fears with them. Together and only together can we love and work as a complete family unit.

Where's your focus today? It takes courage to become the professional in your life.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

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