What a simple statement. But how do I start my day over?
Answer: Just Do It... as Nike suggests.
I have lived with this simple answer to all my problems for years now. Yet, I still forget to do it now and then. The trick is to recognize what is am doing early in the process or day.
Being human, sometimes I get entrenched in my personal rut of ....... and can't see what's going on until I'm well into it. Sometimes hours pass or even a day until I recognize what I am trudging through and I cannot stop or start it over. How can I limit these periods?
One way is to start with a gratitude list. Another is to get a perspective on how much control I have over the situation.
A friend let me photo this card that he carries around to remind himself to remain grateful throughout the day. Again this is simple.
How grateful are you today? President Abe Lincoln said "You are as happy (or grateful) as you make you mind up to be."
Don't worry about anything you can't control... why? Because it's out of your control. If it's in your control then do something about it NOW... Be grateful...
Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo
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