What am I talking about? The care and feeding of your Spirit.
Okay here's the scoop... we are all actors on this stage of life. We get to choose the parts we play on a daily basis. Now the questions is "what role do we want to play today?"
Most of us play roles we are familiar with. The Mother. Father. Sibling. Son. Daughter. Employee. Addict. Lover. Enabler. Dominator. Dependent. Inventor. Thief. Drunk. Blamer. Victim. Wife. Husband... Not to mention all the labels we call ourselves on a daily basis that inhibit spiritual experiences.
Here's the challenge to each of us: Be Outrageous... for life's experiences!
I was so fearful of what the public thought of me a decade ago that I went bright blond. It was remarkable. Not we all now that men do not color their hair. It's a taboo. Really? The women in my life were shocked but complimented me. The men in life were shocked and suggested I'd lost my mind. The end result was this - I was having fun and most people didn't care that I was being outrageous. I recently shaved my head with the same result - people don't care.
If people don't care what you do why not have all the fun you can. Be outrageous. Redefine the roles you play or at least lighten up and have fun.
This is a challenge for most of us. I think it's a hold over from tribe or group mentality. I grew up in a family where the message I heard was "do not embarrass the family". Now I can't say that was the actual message I was given but that was what I heard. It hand cuffed me. It defined me. It limited me to not adventure out and experience outrageous behavior.
The bottom line is I was allowing myself to be defined and controlled by my mind. Old mental pictures, limitations, boundaries, patterns, habits were imprisoning me. My spirit lives on experiences not knowledge. Yet my mind was processioning each experience as it unfolded. No fun! It thought it was protecting me, my spirit.
The result was my mind imprisoned my spirit. Suffocating my spirit. Stifling my spirit. And I was becoming more miserable. When I discovered that my mind was out to get me I somehow found the courage to "go out of my mind". I learned to breathe when I felt myself nervous to connect with my spirit.
Being outrageous allows me to have fun. Today I am vulnerable to life and all of its experiences. I almost missed life. I almost missed My Movie.
Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo
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