Monday, October 13, 2008

Ask Better Questions

Years ago I took Tony Robbins' course "Personal Power". I enjoyed the heck out of it. For about 6 months I took Tony's philosophy and tried my best to change my life. It worked - but I stopped working the program and fell back into some old more comfortable habits.

One of the main elements from that course that I use today is learning to ask better questions. Tony said if you want to lead a better life - learn to ask better questions.

Today it more important than ever to ask better questions of ourselves. Most of us have witnessed all of the gains that we experienced since 2002 be wiped out in a couple of weeks. Now we have a choice: We can sit and be pissed off at what might have been or we can ask what can I do to move forward to re-coop unfulfilled dreams.

This is a unique opportunity to build a base of business. To do that we have to understand how our potential market has been fragmented and present alternatives to sticking our collective heads in the sand - hoping that things will fix themselves. We have to ask ourselves and the ones we love better questions. We have to figure out what actions we can take to bring about benefits we can measure.

We are not alone sitting in our confusion. We have any number of people who are looking to take positive action. Find a way to harness this energy and ride the wave.

You'll see it when you believe it. Today we need to stop listening and start believing in ourselves.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo

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