Why do most things resolve themselves in the Eleventh Hour?
I have done some self-examination and found that throughout my life, my prayers are seldom answered before the eleventh hour. Why does it work out this way? Or does it?
I have a observation that might ring a bell with you.
Could it be that no matter what the situation is - I accept whatever it is that I have been asking for at what seems the eleventh hour? In reality, it actually could be the 3rd or the 7th hour, but in my space and time - to me it just seems like the eleventh hour. Okay this may seem like a weird conclusion but hang with me.
Let's say that I am looking for more money to come in. I put it out there to the universe and wait for an answer. Immediately someone offers to buy me lunch and discuss what's going on with them. I choose to look at this as just "lunch" - but it really is money coming to me in the form of lunch that I do not have to buy. Then a few days later, someone wants to go to the mall and I get a certificate for whatever. Again the universe is trying to fulfill my desire - yet I choose to not see this certificate as money because I don't want to save $20 on something I don't want or need.
So I once again ask the universe to increase my income. This time the universe answers by my employer asking me to work a couple of extra hours overtime. Again my request is being answered by the universe.
What I am concluding is that the universe is continually attempting to fulfill my request for more "money". It never fails. What is failing is my ability to recognize these gifts are answers to my request.
The universe is always trying to fulfill my requests. It always has and always will.
Here is the secrete - I have to learn to ask better, more specific questions if I want more specific results.
I am in the process of building up my Coaching business. I have asked the universe to bring me 20 people to experience one of my coaching sessions over the next 30 days to see if coaching will work for them. My goal is to pick up 5 clients who commit to hiring me as their coach in the next 30 days.
In short - my eleventh hour experience may just be that it takes me that long to become specific about what I want the universe to provide. It has nothing to do with the eleventh hour and everything to do with the time it takes me to find the courage to formulate and ask for what I want.
What do you want in your life? Formulate a request and be specific. It always works. . . . !
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
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