Friday, November 7, 2008

The Dr Phil Show

******* UPDATE Friday November 14th Ch 2 CBS 3pm

I just learned that if you want to watch or record Jane and her daughter ( I changed the names) they're on Dr Phil today. . . . Sorry I just learned this. Channel 2 CBS in the Valley at 3pm.


Here is the latest up date on Jane and her entitled daughter and their visit to the Dr. Phil Show. Jane was brought onto the set after her daughter had a chance to tell her tale of abuse.

Dr. Phil opened up the dialog by echoing her daughter's frightful tale of being asked to pay rent after 6 years of rent free living in the house. Jane corrected him by telling the truth that rent was always expected - except her daughter always had an excuse for not paying it. This went on through a litany of ploys by her daughter which finally ended with her daughter saying that she did not want Jane in her life any longer.

To that Dr. Phil replied that she was adult and could choose who was in her life. And, to Jane, he said that she should back away and stay out of their lives. In short, Dr. Phil told her daughter to grow and take care of herself and her family. Dr Phil then said that he had 2 adult children, 25 and 30, who are financially independent.

Dr Phil said this is one of the saddest programs that he's done since it takes two people to have any type of relationship and only one to ruin the chances of having one.

Jane had hoped that Dr Phil would send them to Therapy, but with only Jane wanting the relationship he could do anything.

There was a lot of juicy things that went on but I choose not to bore you. The bottom line is once our kids become adults - they are adults. No matter how much we want them to remain our children. We have to let them grow through the bumps of life. Just like we had to do. Money never fixes anything - it just delays our kids financial maturity. It's a lesson. That's all it is. It's never punishment.

Bravo Jane - you are my hero. I feel sorry that it didn't work out the way you wanted. But. you will put this behind you and get on with your life. Happy - Healthy - and in Love.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo

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