I was thinking about the world that we are living in today. It's a lot different than let's say the 1940's or 1950's in more ways that just the instant messaging, the internet, cell phones, etc.
Looking back to those days of yester-year, there was a code of conduct and ethics that I see missing today in so many influential areas of our lives. In TV and movies - the good-guys with white hats always won. We fought for God, Country and the American way of life. We said the pledge of allegiance in schools. Our news reports never buddied around with the people they were suppose to investigate. We had real heroes in our lives. Now maybe this is a little simplistic, but . . . . ?
When I look at our world and it's leaders, local and international news makers, TV and movie stars, grade schools and colleges - ah heck everything, I had to notice one thing that is glaring. We have no heroes to identify with. Really! Who are your heroes that you admire?
When I take my own inventory of heroes - I find it really lacking in substance. Why is that? Is it because I know too much about them? Is it because the way that I define a hero has changed over the years? I had a hard time putting a finger on it.
Growing up my father was my hero until I went to work for him and discovered that his feet were had of clay, just like mine. My movie star heroes turned into drunken wife beaters? My news reporters who I based my political opinions have become celebrity's in their with little objectivity and more public relation mouth-pieces. My industrial leaders have turned into greedy industrial unethical tyrants.
It's not that things and people have changed - it's through years of advertising and marketing campaigns that have molded me into a non- thinking idiot . . . I have discovered I need to re-develop my code of life lifeboat to survive our world today.
I have a code of principles today that I have tried to live by for the past 15 years. It has aided me to walk through the personal struggles, financial struggles and spiritual struggles that we all face.
When the world looks bleak with no relief in sight, I rely on my faith that all will work out and I take some positive action and trust the outcome.
So I ask you . . . what are the principles that guide your life? I hope your personal code to living life is more than just an advertising or marketing campaign. You deserve the best.
Here'a an exercise for you. Make a list of your heroes. Take a look at what they represent. Then make a list of the principles you live your life by today. You will thank me later.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
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