Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2010 Full of Winners
Friday, December 11, 2009
Friday Music in Wenatchee
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Hello from Coooooold Country!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Catching up
Monday, October 12, 2009
Where did September go?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
What's going on
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Principles of Life
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Blake Snyder RIP 1952 - 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Time passes
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Creative Time
Friday, July 3, 2009
Happy 4th!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hiking in Wenatchee
What a beautiful day!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wenatchee - what the doctor ordered
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Cell wars and more
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Hello from Wenatchee
Friday, May 22, 2009
Catching Your Faith
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Hospital not Vacation Spa
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Respecting Commitments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Totally Unreasonable??
Friday, April 3, 2009
Accepting Good-Bye
Honor Life
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Old Friends
I ask her why does she choose to have her remain a close friend in her life? Her answer was the same answer that we give for keeping 'old friends' close to us - Loyalty to her friend.
I thought of what Erick Butterworth said (I paraphrase) - "The greatest harm we can do to ourselves or others is to keep them in our lives too long. We do not know when we meet someone whether they should remain in our lives 5 minutes or 50 years". When we hang on to people too long - we inhibit the wonderful experience of having some new soul walk into our lives full of surprise and delight.
I have been guilty of keep girlfriends, men, employers, whoever in my life to the point that they became a destructive influence to me. I dreaded their phone call or walking into work. Learning to 'let go' of them has given me the courage to create a vacuum so new positive influence, new jobs could enter my life.
It takes courage to set boundaries with old friends and employers. It takes courage to go through that 'empty scared' feeling of being alone. I have to garner the faith that I am doing what is best for 'my life'. It takes practice to risk that I am taking the right action for me.
Who are you hanging on to out of habit? Is your loyalty to yourself or others? Take an inventory of your "friends" and see what you find. I bet you will be surprised.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Knowledge v/s My Experience
I watched 50 go by a number of years ago. When I was in my frustrating youth - 20's and 30's - I really thought that my knowledge would serve me just as well as experience. Boy was I wrong! The old saying "Don't judge anyone until you have walked in their shoes" comes to mind.
You just cannot replace experience with any amount of knowledge. Theory is wonderful, but it is not fact. You cannot undo a heartbreak unless you have had a big one yourself. Why? Because theory tells you the you will get over it. While Experience has shown you that it will take quite a while until you can pick yourself up and move on. It's the depth of your love for that person that can never be replaced no matter how many acquaintances you try on. If it's not there - it is not there.
The same goes for all life's lessons as wells as all relationships you might enter. Each one is unique and precious. No knowledge will replace the real experience. We can lean on the past but we need to stay vulnerable to the now and the future. Love is all there is!
What does your Knowledgetell you? What does your Experience tell you?
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Short Term Memory
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Are You Overwhelmed?????
Most of us have a task list of "to do's" - written or mental - that we do not prioritize. When we attempt to do everything on the list we get burn out, tired or frustrated.
So the secret is to learn how to prioritize our list. Most of us do not have a system to prioritize. Without a system we randomly try to check off our list.
Here's a solution system to prioritizing your list.
1. List the projects you want to complete.
2. Rank the projects by ROI and RISK or MOST IMPORTANT to LEAST IMPORTANT.
In business - how much $$$ is each one worth? What is the probability of success?
In your personal life - have-to's and can put-off to another day.
"Timebox" your tasks. How much time should it take you to complete any given task? You will know just by looking at the list. For longer more involved tasks, be sure to give yourself enough time to complete them. Don't skimp - this is the reason that you become overwhelmed in the first place. Be honest with yourself. For big projects, try to give yourself a minimum of 2 weeks to a month. This will allow you to be distracted by interruptions that do crop up in our busy lives without feeling added pressure.
If you have a long term goal, try to spend 'x' hours a day or week on reaching that goal. Most goals are not meant to be accomplished in an hour or a day. They are something that we are striving to gain or become. Give yourself enough time. This is very important to remember.
What does your list look like? Some people organize 'sticky notes' on the refrigerator or wall. Reorganizing them as they are completed. This is kind of a liquid task listing.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Days of Whine and Focus?
What's your focus is an important question today. We all need to check our focus daily. Otherwise we, I, get lost in all the "issues" that we get bombarded with through news, work, kids, neighbors - really everything that surrounds us on a daily basis.
It is so easy to become a "whiner" and a victim. I have to remember that I am responsible for my life and the decisions that I make. I need to make conscious appraisals and decisions based on facts. I need to be honest with what I see coming down the road and adjust my "life's budget" accordingly. If I do not - I will be lost in deluded thoughts and excuses asking "what just happened?" I cannot afford to live my life that way.
So - the most important issue that we can focus on is our family. We are responsible for keeping our family - those living under our roof - safe and secure. Our friends and adult children are responsible for their families too.
Next, if we are self-employed, we need to focus on what is important - that is to keep our doors open. We have to work smart. We need to learn to be prudent in all our decisions. If we are a small business with employees, we have hard choices to make. We cannot live in the delusion that next week will magically be better. Customers are slow to pay in times like this. You still have hard fixed costs to cover and we still need to look out for our families - #1. We cannot take security and food out of our families mouths to save our employee's families. It's a tough call, but they are responsible for the security of their families by being good stewards in their financial world. And - deep down inside they understand this.
Next, if we work for someone as their employee, we have to become realistic to what is going on. I choose to become proactive and ask how secure they are? What do they predict the future holds for them. Then, armed with that knowledge, I take it home and talk to my family about what's going on. It does no one any good to pretend that everything is just fine. All this does is build resentment and stress. This is not being an alarmist
If I focus on becoming a professional in my life. If I can be completely honest with my family. We have a wonderful opportunity to ride this adventure with grace together.
Being a professional - I must allow my family members to be scared and walk through their fears with them. Together and only together can we love and work as a complete family unit.
Where's your focus today? It takes courage to become the professional in your life.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Seeing Clarity
This confrontation happened about 20 years ago - and it still resonates today. Fritz was an ex-jockey raised in the brownstone neighborhoods of Chicago. Fritz never minced words.
There are times in my life when I get lost in a situation. I make all sorts of excuses for the reason I find myself struggling for an answer. What I have lost really is my ability to stand back and take an observer's look in order to assess what is really going on. I have lost my ability to gain clarity.
I know that I am not the only one to struggle with this. It doesn't matter if it involves financial, relationships, work - whatever. We all loose clarity at times. No one has the right answers all the time.
This is when I need a mentor or friend that I trust to bounce this off of. He or she is able to take a step back, uninvolved and tell me what they see. It really is a visual thing. They see me struggling and how it is effecting my life. If I am able to be honest, they are able to see the events that lead up to my crisis. They are able to see the actions I must take in order for me to regain my Emotional Sobriety. Now it's up to me to find the courage to take the actions.
People have written about the use of mentors ever since man began to walk up-right - and maybe before. 12 step programs rely heavily on the use of sponsorship in their recovery programs.
Do you have a mentor or sponsor to bounce things off? It works!
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
The Key to Happiness
What happened? I had to learn to forgive people for not reading my mind. I had to take a risk and ask for what I wanted in life, and that took courage and a lot of practice. I am still a little uncomfortable asking - but I practice daily.
The next thing I had to change in my life was to learn to ask people what they wanted in their life from me. I could no longer assume anything - I took this to the extreme at first, but again with practice I became more comfortable.
Am amazing thing happened to me - I became less judgemental and kinder to others. Now, I'm not trying to present my transformation is anywhere near perfect, but there has been a lot of progress.
The hardest place to practice this is with loved-ones, long-time friends and family. All I can say is I have built up a number of habits with these people and I have to remain conscience when I am around them. Most of the time my sarcasm is the weapon that I throw out attempting to be funny. It never works - I usually have to make an amends immediately and hope for some forgiveness.
What I have discovered is forgiveness begins first at home - then I can take it out into the streets. I use to tell people that I am not being judgemental - just a keen observer. What a crock! All I was doing was dressing judgements in a disguise - it gave me an excuse to be critical of everyone. I had to learn to appreciate the path that strangers, friends, loved-ones and family were on.
Today I try to walk in forgiveness and to be non-judgemental to everyone I meet. It's a struggle at times - but the reward is serenity and emotional sobriety. It allows me to create better relationships wherever I go. I compromise my ego and celebrate my fellows I meet as our paths cross.
Maybe our paths will cross. Forgiveness is my key to happiness.
Happiness is the result of practice.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Life is Uncertain
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Looking for Potential
This stopped me in my tracks. True. For most of us, including me, I tend to look at the items still left to accomplish as failures. I never look at the potential that I can carry over to my new list.
So this year I am assessing what goals I had on my 08 list that I did not accomplish, but have the potential for completion this year. I was surprised.
One of the goals that did not get accomplished was working out seminars and speaking on Serenity Rules, Emotional Sobriety and Surviving Stressful Times. I wrote a while back about my invitation to join Business Relationship Program. By this invitation alone, I accomplished this big goal. Or at least I have the potential to accomplish this goal.
Another one of my goal for 08 was to create another income stream of $15,000/mo. The potential for this goal is close at hand. By joining BRP, I have the potential to achieve this goal. In fact, I may have to reevaluate this figure upward.
One more goal was to pick up 4 coaching clients per month. Again, by joining BRP I have the potential achieve this goal. In fact, I may have to reevaluate this goal.
By doing this exercise I have an entirely new outlook on my goal list. Instead of kicking myself about what I did not accomplish - I now have a tool to turn perceived failures into potential successes.
What about you? What items on your list have you kicked yourself over? Can you turn any of these from failure to accomplish to potential successes? I bet you can.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Monday, February 16, 2009
Attractiion and Action
The Secret. The Art of Visualization. You'll See it when You Believe It. Creating the Life You Want. Materialization. The Law of Attraction. Etc. Etc.
None of this is new. They were preaching and writing about attraction thousands of years ago. Nothing has changes except for the new generation that hasn't been exposed to this "New Thought". It is reexamined every few years now - I wonder if we owe it to the internet? Possibly. But it still is a great message. "As you think - you will become". Or something like that.
We attract what we think about. Sometimes it screams at us through our friends. Other times it is demonstrated through situations we find ourselves in. And still other times is materializes through an epitome. No matter how it is demonstrated - it is up to us to recognize what's going on and find the courage to take action. Action is the real secret.
Do I Think my way into right Action? Or, Do I Act my way into right Thinking? Can they be separated?
People who deem themselves as profound "thinkers" will argue that thinking always precedes actions. But I can show you people who spend so much time in their heads they never get anything done. They talk about what they are going to do, but mostly they never get anything done.
Now there are people who are into action. Sometimes, to the observer, they act without thinking. These people are doers. They are the ones who build things. They are the ones who end up building successful businesses. They are the inventors. They are the innovators. They never worry about what would happen if they fail. They revel in reward of success. Failure is a part of success.
So if you are not getting what you think about - try adding more action into your recipe. You will be surprises at what you attract.
What are you attracting today? Is it really what you want?
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Marking time
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Yen and Yang
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Simple Secret to Success
It said that first you have to be good at what you do. Not earth-shaking information. Next it said that you never stop learning. Taking classes, reading articles and books, talking to others in the same profession, networking - I think that you get the point. And next, keep working in your profession - don't give up.
Too many of us venture in and out of "trendy professions" hoping to be successful without committing time and energy to becoming better and better. We become stagnant, frustrated and then we change our focus to something new.
Every successful person found something that they enjoyed doing, stuck it out through challenging time and continued to become better. Tiger Woods has a lot of talent fueled by hours of practice in his early years. Today as the world's best golfer - he keeps challenging himself to become better. Why? He wants to remain the world's best golfer. He has a number of professionals on his staff to coach him so that he remains number 1.
What are you doing to better yourself? Do you have a coach?
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Worry and Time
"Worry and Time have an inverse relationship - The more you worry the less time you have. The more time you have the less you worry!"
I am headed back to the hospital to have my tests read or at least shared with me. I don't know what will happen. They will say one of three things: 1) I have X,Y or Z; 2) I need more tests to figure out what's going on; or 3) They don't know what's going on - they can't find anything.
I have to admit that I look at this as an adventure, that's what our lives really are. A life, human adventure between being Spirit.
I am lucky. I have a lot of people who are truly concerned about me and keep my in their prayers. I believe that prayer works, specially when we are in other's prayers.
So - we will see what happens this afternoon.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Monday, February 2, 2009
Staying Where Our Feet Are!
Then he went on to tell me about his 16 year old son who is on probation with stipulations. He's messing up. He's not doing anything the court ask him to do. And it's driving my friend nuts.
He's loosing sleep, weight and because his wife is making excuses for their son's actions - he is alone with his concerns. He's tried simple reminders of the consequences for not following the court's direction - it doesn't phase his son.
I reminded my friend that the hardest thing that we as parents can do is nothing. At 16, his son is responsible, in the court's eyes, for his actions. It is his choices that got him into trouble in the first place and it seems that he is choosing to go down the road to self-destruction. No amount of love and worry can change that. It's sad to watch this. But we have to get to the point of accepting that it his son's choice - today.
I ask my friend if he can practice this simple exercise - try to stay where your feet are, just for now. It wont change what choices his son is making - but it will give him a little peace.
What is the drama going on in your life? Can you do anything to change it? If so, take the action. If not, practice staying where your feet are to find some peace.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Friday, January 30, 2009
Alienation Revealed
A friend of mine was talking about his son asking him what Kafka's "Metamorphosis" was about. His take was that the main character ends up killing himself over feeling alienated. My heart stopped and I took one of those revealing deep breathes. I have felt that way all of my life.
Real or perceived - alienation permeates society. Ours and everyone around the world.
Here's my take on how we become alienated. . . . It's just my observation for what it's worth.
Initially - I believe to starts at home for most of us. When those who are suppose to love and protect us as children - pull away their physical and emotional love we are left alone. Fear begins to exist everywhere and we - human beings - blame ourselves as the reason we are being discarded. After a period of months or years we fall into the fight or flight syndrome. We strike out at everyone and everything because we do not want to feel the pain of being rejected.
I know this is really simplistic - I am not a psychologist - it just seems to be the logical evolution of how I felt alienated.
For me, it was more physical love being withdrawn than emotional love. I knew my parents loved me emotionally - but physical love was not part of my family dynamic as I recall my childhood. I just seemed to stop playing with any physical contact from my parents or siblings. After physical contact was removed - I believe I stopped laughing that gut level laughter that kids experience. Maybe the lack of laughter made me feel alienated? Life became too serious.
I know that when I get scared in a relationship - real or preceived, alienation raises its ugly head. I pull away to protect myself. I know that this is the major cause of my last heartbreak. I am so sorry that I did not have the courage to laugh more. Forgive me.
What's your alienation factor? Laugh more! They are not doing this to us - Love is the answer.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Humanity Reveals Spirit
Friday, January 23, 2009
Great Thought
I read this the other day and it really made me stop and think about what is going on with me and my health adventure.
My exhaustion has been pulling me down into a depression. I do not like it. I tried to ride my bike the other day and found myself grateful that I could make it a couple of miles - I did pay for it though when I got home.
This adventure - which is how I look at it - is nothing compared to what I have seen others walk through. It's just that it is new to me and I did not ask for this. I want my old energy driven life back. I know that I will get there one day - but not today.
I give thanks to all the people I know who wish me well. It means more to me than they know.
Re-read the above quote. It made me rethink my lot at this time.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Belief and Faith
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Checking in for 09
Thanksgiving. Hanukkah. Christmas. New Years. Not to mention a lot of just life has passed through our time portal.
I have to mention the world lost a wonderful soul on December 17th. Joseph Cohen, 25. Joey was one of those unique souls who was funny, brilliant, creative, sensitive, loving, energetic young man who followed the beat of his own drummer. I loved him dearly. No matter how I tried - Joey was always Joey. Joey had that rare gift of being able to touch friends and strangers alike with his grace. He is survived by his many friends, his mother Tina and sister Rachel. God Bless you Joey and all who knew and loved him. I will miss hearing about his successes in his life.
The main reason for my absence is I have been extremely ill. They still don't really have a handle on what is going on with me - it's a slow prolonged process. I loss the use of my left arm for about 6 weeks - it's just now becoming usable for typing. They can't explain what happened.
The rest of my illness deals with my constant anemia that I have struggled with for over a decade. I am going through a lot of tests so the verdict is still out. I just suit up and show at the appointed time and let the professionals do what they are trained to do. I am pretty tired most of the time and that causes me to really miss riding my bicycle throughout my beautiful desert. As I find more out I will keep you informed.
Pearls of Wisdom - they escape me today - here's my mantra "Breath in . . . Breath out! It works for me.
Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo