Every day, for three years, Bruce would say "Honey, I'm Home!" when he returned home from work. Day in and day out Bruce would say this religiously hoping that someday his wife would answer "I'm in here Bruce!". It took three years - then one day it happened. He met, dated and moved in with Phyllis. Soon they got married and had a daughter, Karen.
All this began with Bruce talking to a friend about how lonely he was and how he wanted to be married and have a family. His friend suggested a couple of things. First; Bruce was to write down everything he wanted in a woman. Everything! Physical, emotional, interests, education, financial, spiritual - everything Bruce had dreamed about - be specific. Second; he was to write down what he was willing to do to keep his dream woman in his life. Third; everyday, Bruce was to shout "Honey, I'm Home!" when he returned home. It works!
Thought are things that the universe wants to bestow upon us - all we have to do is ask. It will provide. All we need to do is keep our eyes open - and find the courage to act when this "thing" is presented to us.
When I look around I see only abundance everywhere. There is not a lack of anything. It's just waiting for us to ask.
I have used this technique many times and it always works. It doesn't matter if you're asking for a mate, job, car, house - it will be provided for you. Be specific and committed to have this thing in your life.
Now - what are you going to do to keep this thing in your life? I have to ask very carefully because thoughts are things, remember to choose the good ones.
I recently went through a break up that I wrote about here. I used this exercise to attract my woman into my life. It took about 4 months before I recognized her. It was so wonderful - I was a little afraid of committing to this relationship because it was too good. I use to kid her that she chased me until I caught her. But I relented and I am so happy that I found to courage. The experience was wonderful. I couldn't have ask for more.
What happened? I forgot to continue to act on what I was willing to do to keep her in my life. I lost the man that she fell in love with - it's that simple. I will not make that mistake again when my perfect woman walks into my life. And yes, I am doing to exercise once again.
Thought are Things - Choose the Good Ones!
"Honey I'm Home!"
Namaste Speedo
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