A friend's wife has 'It's My Movie' as her personalized license plate. I ask her about it a while back and she told me she looks at her life as a movie where she is the star, director, producer and writer. Everyone else is her supporting cast or crew.
So I ask you - Is your life your movie? Are you the star, director, producer and writer? If not - why not?
Let's break this down.
Are you the Star? Or are you a supporting player?
If you are not the Star - why aren't you? Each of us should be living out our dream as if it was a movie. I know that you can come up with numerous reasons why you cannot Star in your movie, but I am going to tell you that you are short changing yourself if you have others staring in your movie. We all have responsibilities to ourselves first - and to others: spouses, kids, family, employers, etc - second. I contend that these are your supporting cast players of your movie.
Are you the Director? Or does your life 'just happen' by the luck of the draw like a game of Texas Hold'em?
It's the Director who brings together the personnel necessary he needs to make the movie. Why can't we? He has a list of people he has worked with in the past and those he has always wanted to work with. He gets together with the Producer and makes his wish list for 'this' movie. Your Movie. To do have the supporting crew members scheduled for your move? It's your choice.
Are you the Producer? Or do you hope things will just fall into place?
A Producer works in conjunction with the Director to assure the best crew is brought together for the good of this project. This includes acquiring the financing necessary to pay for the project based upon a budget. He holds the different departments to their budget. He has to make some difficult decisions when the Director goes nuts on a action scene that isn't necessary to the success of the movie. He is the father/mother figure holding your movie together.
Are you the Writer? Or do you wing it and hope your first ideas will be the best and work out?
Writing is 20% creative inspiration and 80% hard rewriting work. That's why writers get paid big bucks - for the sweat-time they put in over a keyboard. Their job is to take the original story idea and incorporate ideas from the Director, Producer and Star. They have to work with plot points, character transformational arc and fatal flaws, mid-act crisis, theme, antithesis, synthesis, sub-plots, supporting characters, oh and let's not forget a high concept story (the story sells itself) that's the same but only different so audiences will pay $10 to watch the movie.
Who are the members of your cast and crew? Are they participating in your movie because they have always worked on your movie? Have you fallen into nepotism? Or are they the most talented, skilled people that you know. Everyone in your life should add to the quality of your movie. If they don't - you have to ask yourself 'why are they here?'. It's your movie.
So I ask you - Are you the Writer, Producer, Director and Star of your movie? You should be. We are all watching you as you preform your life for the rest of us to appreciate. It's your command performance and you should be awarded the Tony, Oscar and Emmey.
There's only one of you, so make this the best movie possible. We're all rooting for your success - and we want to be entertained. We will cry with you; laugh with you; applaud your successes; struggle with your challenges. You can do it. Leave us in awe. You cannot fail. After all - it's your movie. Do not settle for second best. You might not get a another chance. Make this the best you can do.
Chase Your Potential - Your Life Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo
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