With the economy as it is across the country a lot of people are or will be experiencing change. People are changing careers or jobs, adding another job, wondering if they will loose their homes, fearful that their retirement savings will not sustain them - you name it. What we are talking about here are people dreading new experiences, a change in their plans or routines.
To most people - new experiences are frightful. It causes anxiety, nervousness, apprehension and in short we do not like it. It threatens our perceived entitlements that we have worked hard to achieve.
When you take a look at what is really going on is stretching of our comfort zone. We are leaving what we know and entering the unknown. We are entering areas we have to relinquish our perceived control. It causes us to become fearful.
We would rather do anything - even if it's mundane, routine, lackluster, boring, anything but take on a new experience.
We question ourselves. We become unworthy, unqualified, scared and unhappy. All because we have not experienced whatever before. Our first thoughts are not how exciting this experience will be - but, I will fail, I won't fit in, it won't be fun. We end up talking ourselves out of a wonderful experience. We hold on to these negative thoughts like our life depends on failure. We talk ourselves out of anything good that might come from any new experience.
Is this our nature? I don't know. I fall into this trap just like you. I need to nudge myself to try anything new no matter how safe it is. I have to push myself to take a risk most times. And, I might add, most of my new experiences become exciting and some life changing - mostly for the better. That's how silly I am.
Here's a piece that I found years ago that gave me a nudge and the courage to take risks. I hope you enjoy it - It might change you life!
.... to Laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
.... to Weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
.... to Reach out for another is to risk involvement.
.... to Expose your feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
.... to Place your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd is to risk rejection.
.... to Love is to risk not being loved in return.
.... to Live is to risk dying.
.... to Hope is to risk despair.
.... to Try is to risk failure.
.... but, Risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing at all.
.... the Person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing and is nothing.
- - - - Anonymous
It sums up everything quit neatly. Risking is its own reward.
Namaste Speedo
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