Tuesday, August 5, 2008

30 Seconds Then ...... %(*&&$#@&

I was listening to a speaker the other day and he mentioned a study on the human mind that caught his eye. He said that researchers have discovered that our minds cannot go three minutes without having a negative thought.

So I accepted the challenge. I found out that within 30 seconds I was complaining about how slow time was passing . . . . okay I said - so I started over. I set a timer on 3 minutes thinking that watching time pass was the reason that I failed . . . . I found myself mentally complaining about the tic, tic, tic of the timer.

Then I approached it the other way. I thought about everything that I had to complain about - a mental negative list. Really! Try it out. Make a mental list of all your complaints - anything and everything. Do it for three minutes. How did you feel? What was the make-up of your list?

For the most part, mine were all external items or situations that I had no control over. When I looked at the remainder of the list - I found that these were all fixable with time and effort on my part . . . future possible events.

Then I tried to the test again. I don't know if I made it further, but I do know I had stopped fighting my thoughts. It was peaceful.

What did I discover?

My complaints were all historical - my ought-tos and should-haves! They included incidents where I fell short of doing the right thing 0r items where I thought I was do wronged - self-pity.

My negative thoughts were based on fears projecting that I might not get what I wanted or I might loose what I had - my entitlements.

Whether complaints or negative thoughts - both keep me out of enjoying my meditation , or, my day - what is going on around me right now. Resentments from the past or perceived that haven't occurred - destructive thoughts. Pretty silly - right!

The only way out for me seems to be forgiveness. . . . . . . and to stop projecting into the future - expectations.

The present is the gift that keeps giving - if we remain conscious.

Go figure!

Namaste Speedo

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