How do you feel about yourself?
I happen to like the man that I have become. I relish my warts and rough edges - they remind me that I still am a work in progress. Even those little extra pounds that I try to ride off on my bike. I think that I am aging nicely, have a warm smile and approachable character in my face. My heart is good and I honestly love everybody. I realize that we all are doing the very best we can everyday - even when I have my @$^&$#%# days. If I could do better I know that I would.
I am happy today! I try to treat the rest of God's kids with Kindness - play Fair - and Share my Toys!
Okay - enough about me.
What do you feel about yourself? Take a moment to really feel the woman or man you have become. . . .
Where did your feeling take you? Did you first look at your shortcomings? Did your old habits raise their head to tell you lies about yourself? Did you focus on your past wishing that you could change it? Did you focus on the wonders that make you you?
For most of us - this is an awkward exercise to do. It's uncomfortable mainly because we seldom take a personal inventory of ourselves.
Here's the exercise. Write down all the positive traits that you can that make you . . . well you! Make the list as long as you want - but to start out, at least write down 15 items about you. Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual - anything that you can think of. No matter how small. Do it now. Positive items only!
Okay - now I want you to sit and visualize the wonderful traits that make you you. Do you realize there is not another you on this planet, galaxy or universe? There has never been nor there will ever be another you? This is the truth - don't you feel that it's about time you start treating yourself better? Who else is going to celebrate you?
It's time for you to be selfish about you and start feeling good about you. Start right now.
When was the last time you did something totally selfish for you? Take care of you - after all, you are your best friend. Sometimes we have to practice and learn to treat ourselves better.
When I was told to do this, I minimized my good traits and immediately started to allow old negative images of myself to take over. I had to fight the impulse to focus on my shortcomings. It took practice and more practice. But I wrote down the 15 items - then I challenged myself to write down 25, then 35, then . . . . .
What happened was I became more like the man I wanted to be by focusing on my wonderful traits that make me me. And when my shortcoming raised their ugly head - I quickly attempted to substitute a positive trait. If I didn't like that trait, it exchanged it for something I wanted it to become.
It took practice, but it worked. I started to take care of me and feel good about the man I am today.
How's your list coming?
Namaste Speedo
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