Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pain is My Motivator!

If you've been reading this blog for while, you may have realized my initial push was to let my friends walk through a Coach's life - and see how I handle 'life things'. Some gracefully and other . . well. . !

My first blog was the corner stone of our journey together. I was going through a brake-up with a wonderful woman and had been in a great deal of pain. Why? It was her idea! Oooops!

I didn't know at the time - I would crash deeper toward an emotional bottom that would initiate a change in my life. But it happened and emotional pain was the motivator. Today I celebrate pain - especially since it's in my past.

Today as I write this I am recovering from a physical pain - abscessed tooth pain. This too has motivated me to go to that dentist and find a solution.

In both cases - my pain drove me to take some action - and in both cases I found relief. The physical pain relief was in the form of a dental procedure to fix my tooth. I could have addressed this months before, but I choose to let it go until I could find time to go to the dentist. Pain initiated the call - sound familiar?

My emotional bottom was a more subtle and more devastating. It paralysed me for a couple of days in a mild depression - Emotional pain strikes deep. It was what it took for me to take an honest look at my life and the pain I was causing me. I believe emotional pain is always self-inflicted. Either I'm not doing something I should - or - I'm doing something I should stop.

When I live in self-righteous prominence over those I love and those close to me - they pull away to protect themselves from my intolerance - it causes me pain. When the pain gets sever enough I become motivated to action. The action I took was to get some mentoring from men I respect. I took advice, direction and have found relief. But it takes daily practice and persistance on my part.

It's not unlike getting direction from a dentist. He suggested this - and I took the action and sat in the chair.

I cannot fix any pain myself. When I attempted to in the past - I deluded myself into believing I had the right answer. I should always consider the source of my information. Do I respect them? Are they creditable? Have they experience? I have to answer yes to all of these questions. If not - it's my experience the pain will subside for a short while - but it will come back in due time. Always worse than before - with more devastation.

Most of my emotional pain is caused when I refuse to have an open mind and change my actions. If I don't change - grow - I will die a slow lonely life - emotionally or physically.

It's my choice. I choose to be happy, healthy and in love with life and the people surrounding me.

What's your motivator? How much pain can you take before you want to change and take right action?

Namaste Speedo

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