Friday, June 3, 2011

Going out of your Mind!

A friend called me today telling me that his head is attacking him.... again. Boy can I relate to this, but not as often as I use to.

I have worked real hard... well that's not entirely true... to go out of my mind. When you think about the your mind it's main function is to protect you by analyzing data, circumstances, surroundings in order for you to survive. It has served you well. But now there's more...

But something is happening today that calls for each of us to go out of their minds. No I don't mean crazy or insane but rather to stop relying solely on rational thought. It is not serving you and me well.

Your Heart-Spirit is calling to you and me. I call this being 'vulnerable' to life. I mean everything - people, colors, smells, sights, experiences. I discovered that being vulnerable empowered me. I met and did things on the spur of the moment throughout my day. I gathered souvenirs - experiences.

I recognized this about a 15 years ago when I noticed I was fighting with my brain to step out of myself. By 'myself' I mean my mind and its judgmental, defining, expecting, limiting behavior. It was not working in my life. In reality, my mind has always kept me in its rut in order to control me. The mind hates not to be in control.

Today, by stepping out of my mind and remaining vulnerable, I connect with my true Heart-Spirit. It's always been their waiting patiently for me to provide it with what it yearns for - Experiences. Any and all experiences without any limiting influence which the mind provides.

By listening to my heart-spirit I have discovered my true calling in this life - to be a Sovereign Being. It is a wonderful journey. At first it took daily practice to go out of my mind. My mind is sneaky. It kept trying to alert me to its unhappiness by suggesting false illusions of fear, doubt, depression and low self-esteme. Again trying to control me.

Slowly I began to recognize where these false illusions were coming from and I 'chose' not to react to it. I would say 'that is a lie' and 'thank you for sharing', then become vulnerable to the experience. The result was true freedom for the first time in my life.

Vulnerability to life is empowering. Today I listen to my Heart-Spirit. It leads my to wonderful experiences.

Oh! By the way... I'm smiling a lot more.

Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo


jim said...

Very True and very helpful!


jim said...
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