Saturday, May 10, 2008

Welcome to Chase Your Potential Blog

Hi Friends.

Welcome to my Chase Your Potential Blog.

I want to make this a timely posting of what is going on in my life and yours.

Today I sadly have to report that I am going through a break up with a wonderful woman. But, as I try to console my friends . . . life is in session. It's up to me to step up and live my life to the fullest. It's not easy, but it is necessary. Relationships always are the responsibility for both people. We owe it to each other to be honest and if one finds that it is no longer working for them they must find the courage to do what is right for themselves.

I truly believe that if I am not having any fun - read not happy - then it is impossible for my partner to be happy no matter how badly they want things to be different. In this instance, this lovely woman wasn't happy so we had to split. Like I told her - "I know that you think you are doing what's best for you and your life - right now I don't agree. But - I know it will be best for me too down the road."

Now it is time for me to put my life #1 and move on. So today I am writing a blog about what is going on in my life.

I am editing my first book "Serenity Rules - Your Life Your Rules!" It should be available either on this sight or my website by the middle of July. I am wrapping up a seminar that goes along with the book too.

I am close to being done outlining my 2nd book "Staying Happy - Surviving Today Stressful Times". I will keep you up to date on my progress.

Until next time
Chase Your Potential . . . Your Life - Your Rules!