Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Potential - Whose?

Try harder. You can do it. You have such potential. Sound familiar?

For most if not all of us, we heard this from loving or dysfunctional parents, partners, brothers and sisters all our lives. They did this out of love. They all wanted to us to achieve something. It was good and it absolutely frustrated me to the cord. I built up wall and shut their kind words out.

I got Pissed. Combative. Secluded to the point of failing, just to show them they were wrong. And I proved that I was right - I couldn't do it.

Then I heard my own voice direction me toward what I enjoyed. And I succeeded. I tried something else that I wanted and drew my interest. I succeeded. This continues until this day and you know what - I succeed.

I call this Chasing My Potential. And my Dreams.

This site and my coaching is all directed toward - you finding what your dreams are and chasing them. You know what? You will succeed. Step my step when we break down what you dreams are - goals - into intermediate step you will succeed. And you will be proud. And amazed how simple it was.

Chase Your Potential that you define, design, want and succeed.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Page - New Energy

Wow! This is a great year to be alive.

So much is happening and will continue to materialize in the realm of manifesting what we all claim in our lives. I am claiming this now.

Chase Your Potential has taken the step toward fullness of realizing the universe is already creating what we want in our lives. We have always created it. But we were so blind that we couldn't come to realize it is here just waiting for us to claim it.

Whether you are starting a new business, a new relationship or simply want to attract abundant money into your life. Claim it and believe it is here and it will be. The power is in all of us. We have no wants only recognizing it is here now. Simple yes.

I discovered through my writing podcast a wonderful spiritual healer/guide Dee Wallace - "Conscious Creation" available on iTunes. I highly recommend her to all. Start at the beginning and take the journey. It's wonderful.

Love and prosperity to you all.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo