Sunday, June 29, 2008

Spaceship Speedo

Welcome to Spaceship Speedo - It's my journey toward adventure and discovery.

I know this statement seems a little strange, but I want you to stay with me. After all, aren't we all on our individual journeys of discovery? Everyday we venture out into the unknown? I choose to look at life like it's a spaceship heading toward some distant destination in a far far away land.

I can either look at my journey as haphazard like that of a pinball game or I can become the captain of my spaceship with the heart and eyes of an explorer searching for adventure, new lands full of friendly natives and treasure just waiting for me. Sounds life fun and excitement doesn't it. Well it hasn't always been that way for me.

Growing up I found myself at the direction of the supreme commander - mom and dad. They laid out the destinations of my journey including supplies, housing and training. It all worked well as long as I paid strict attention to the rules of the command.

When I got out on my own - command rules were adjusted through my experiences. But I was in command of my spaceship. The adventures continued. My exploration was frightening and exciting at the same time. Luckily for me I was part of a convoy of like-minded spaceships speeding through the galaxy. I took a copilot on board from time to time, but in retrospect they were merely pilots. They assisted my knowledge of many lands that we explored. Their patience and kindness helped develop my since of command.

Today my command of Spaceship Speedo is the accumulation of all my adventures. The local group and distant natives help shape my command skills. Battles I've fought and lost and the battles I've won. I learn more from my mistakes than my successes. Fortunately most of my scars have healed over time. I firmly believe the phrase - "Repeat for Correction". Life is a constant adjustment to where I am and the destination I've laid into my Nav-Computer.

Welcome to Spaceship Speedo. This is my journey as part of an alliance of close spaceships. I have learned much from fellow skippers as to the best ports to visit and those to bypass.

Be sure to leave your anchor lights on - you never can tell when we might visit your convoy. Like-minded explorers/friends are important out here on our journey through life's universe.

Chase Your Potential - Your Life Your Rules
Namaste Speedo

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Repeat For Correction

I heard this phrase from a gal friend of mine and I thought that I would pass it on to you. 

Repeat for Correction - is a powerful image when you take the time to consider all its ramifications. Of course the prime example is that of automatic pilots on ships or planes. These magical devises keep checking location of the ship or plane and then it makes a correction based on the destination point. 

Now take this concept and apply it to our lives.

I enter a behavior or relationship hoping for the best. I have an image of euphoria and well being. Everything is going to go exactly the way that I dream - this time. I discount all the education, life's experience, that I have logged and filed away. Wrong. It's the same thing only a different day.

I know for myself - I will keep doing something until I can't do it anymore. Okay - I am a slow learner, but really I keep hoping that the situation will get better on its own. It rarely ever does. Most times it gets worse. 

Looking back I can now see that I repeated the relationship, behavior, mistaken belief until it righted itself (God's grace) or I finally found the courage to correct either my or the other person's behavior or I removed the irritant from my life. It is up to me to find the courage not to engage in the situation, or if I found myself in the situation again - to run like hell.

How many situations in your life do you find yourself reliving over and over again only wishing things would change? 
How many situations have you tried to correct?
How many situations have you recognized as problematic - then found the courage to make a conscious choice not to continue and ran like hell in the other direction? 

We all keep reliving the same situation until we make a correction and live our life.

Remember - Repeat for Correction.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Memory of Jose

This is a sad post for me today. My friend of 5 years Jose is taking his last breath with the assistance of a machine this afternoon. He was hit by a drunken driver late Saturday night.

Jose was a kind, loving kid in his mid twenties. He was working hard toward his career as an electrician and becoming quite respected and successful. He was well thought of by his family, friends and coworkers. I will miss his off the cuff humor and constant smile.

We held a roadside service made up of family, friends and coworkers - about 30 of us showed up to honor Jose's life. It was great, although a little freaky because of the car pieces and EMT gloves tossed around by the wind. We made a cross - attached his picture, and laid flowers and small remembrances around. We kind of waundered around with our thoughts for a while - exchanging stories and remembering Jose in our own way.

Then it came time to begin prayers. His wife told us all how much Jose loved and relished having each of us in his life. A Pastor was driving by and stopped and said a few kind words. As all of this was going on - the wind started whipping up an swirling around while they were speaking - then as quickly as it arrived - it left replaced by a calm that we all felt. I choose to believe that the wind was the spirit of Jose touching all of us one last time before he made his transition. God Bless Jose.

The reason that this is such a timely post for me is that I had been talking with Jose for a couple of years about putting his life, needs and desires first - instead of always taking a back seat to those in his family. Now don't get my wrong here - family should come first, but when you start getting abused and no matter what you do you continel to get nothing but chastised by those you love because they want more and more and more and you have nothing more to give - it's time to call a halt; realize you are enabling and there is nothing you can do to please them. They are insatiable parasites. They will never be satisfied. Jose kept telling me that it's getting better - but it never did. They still wanted more.

This was brought to the surface on our drive home when I learned about the dysfunction and greed that took place while Jose was in the ICU. His side of the family were all ready fighting for what Jose had left behind and complaining "what are we going to do now?". I know that this is morbid, but I wanted to point out the sick mindset of the "takers" in our lives and the extent that their self-seeking, selfish desires will consume them.

Why do we even consider helping these "loved ones"? To them it is all about their hedonist consumption of our hard labors. It doesn't matter to them what we had to sacrifice to bail them out of the messes they create. It's sad, but this is reality. In the end - what we do matters only if we continue to rescue them. They believe they have entitlement to whatever . . . !

I ask you this question - Who in your life are you enabling to abuse your kindness? Now I mean the people who always have emergencies crop up and expect you to bail them out. When exceptions become the status qua - you have to realize the you are enabling these people to not take responsibility for their actions or in-actions. They believe that you will bail them out the same way that you always have. The most loving thing you can do now is draw a line in the sand and STOP promoting their irresponsibly.

Do you have loved ones who you dread hearing their voice on the phone?
Do you have loved ones whose lives are constantly in turmoil?
Do you have loved ones who are draining your retirement savings?
Have you laid down the law stating "this is the last time?". And . . they continue to call and . . . you continue to bail them out.

If it's your kids and they are older than 21 . . . you are supporting your adult children. It's not your job to support them and their families (this is not a helping hand - it is the norm and they expect it from you). You are not responsible for their lively hood or their kids. They need to take responsibility for their lives. And you have to allow them the opportunity to live their lives on their efforts. . . . and become proud of their own accomplishments.

I promise you that if you do . . . like I told Jose. . . you will be so proud at what they can accomplish. You will be glad to hear their voice saying "guess what. . . . !". You owe your loved ones this and they will thank you down the road. And you will be able to live your life and dreams.

Namaste Speedo
Chase Your Potential . . Your Life - Your Rules!