Saturday, December 31, 2011

So Long... 2011

On the eve of a new year awakening I thought about 2011.
I wasn't all that I expected or planned, but it was a productive and prosperous year.
I kept an attitude of prosperity, gratefulness and love in all my ventures. It's surprising simple. Opportunities walk into my life that I couldn't have predicted.
I'm finishing up a adaptation of a novel to screenplay. We have a production company waiting to read the script. Whoohoo.
I am negotiating another screenplay that has two other production companies interested in the story.
I made a lot of great friends working at Caffe Mela in the middle of downtown Wenatchee - my office. Great staff and great customers.
My health is returning after 13 years of struggling. I celebrated an anniversary from my surgery. I feel great.
I have nothing but positive, productive, prosperous expectations for 2012.
It's going to be a magical year. I can't wait.
Wishing you all a wonderful New Year.
Namaste Speedo

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Draft

I've been adapting a novel to screenplay form since August. I hold a Letter of Intent from a major production studio waiting to read my script.
This is my first adaptation. I have to say it has presented more than a few challenges. I have pulled every trick from my writer's tools bag I can muster... relying heavily on Blake Snyder's Save the Cat.
This week I finish my first rough, rough draft from fade in to fade out...
My process:
1. Go through the storyline to tighten it. I am about a quarter of the way through my first pass. It is tight, but I can make it tighter.
2.  Add emotional/action scenes to complement the story. The tighter the storyline the more I can devote to emotional character arches.
3. Add theme, subtext to every scene in order to hook the reader.
4. Include dialogue directly from the novel... tweaking to heighten flavor of the characters.
Next, return to #1
It's hard to express the excitement I have for this project.
I have been half-heartedly writing spec-screenplays for 20 years. I am finally learning my craft...
The key is to plough through, continue to learn, write, have passion for your craft and enjoy to process.
Your Movie - Your Life
Namaste Speedo

Monday, November 14, 2011

Christmas Ideas: Support local services

I received this email and thought it was a wonderful idea for all of us.... Enjoy....

Christmas 2011 -- Birth of a New Tradition

As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into
high gear to provide Americans with monstrous piles of cheaply produced
goods -- Merchandise that has been produced at the expense of American
labor. This year will be different. This year Americans will give the
gift of genuine concern for other Americans. There is no longer an
excuse that, at gift giving time, nothing can be found that is produced
by American hands. Yes there is!

It's time to think outside the box, people. Who says a gift needs to
fit in a shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper?
Everyone -- yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift
certificates from your local American hair salon or barber?

Gym membership? It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about
some health improvement.

Who wouldn't appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, American
owned detail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift
certificate or a book of gift certificates.

Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plonking
down the Benjamines on a Chinese made flat-screen? Perhaps that
grateful gift receiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed
for the summer, or driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local
golf course.

There are a bazillion owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift
certificates. And, if your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what
about  a half dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint. Remember, folks
this isn't about big National chains -- this is about supporting your
home town Americans with their financial lives on the line to keep
their doors open.

How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or
motorcycle, done at a shop run by the American working guy?

Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of
a local cleaning lady for a day.

My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy
who is struggling to get his repair business up and running.

OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts people
spin their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and
pottery and beautiful wooden boxes.

Plan your holiday outings at local, owner operated restaurants and
leave your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or
ballet at your hometown theatre.

Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.

Honestly, people, do you REALLY need to buy another ten thousand
Chinese lights for the house? When you buy a five dollar string of
light, about fifty cents stays in the community. If you have those
kinds of bucks to burn, leave the mailman, trash guy or babysitter a
nice BIG tip.

You see, Christmas is no longer about draining American pockets so that
China can build another glittering city. Christmas is now about caring
about US, encouraging American small businesses to keep plugging away
to follow their dreams. And, when we care about other Americans, we
care about our communities, and the benefits come back to us in ways we
couldn't imagine. THIS is the new American Christmas tradition.
Forward this to everyone on your mailing list -- post it to discussion
groups -- throw up a post on Craigslist in the Rants and Raves section
in your city -- send it to the editor of your local paper and radio
stations, and TV news departments. This is a revolution of caring about
each other, and isn't that what Christmas is about?

Pass this on.....

Your Life - Your Movie
Namaste Speedo

Monday, October 31, 2011

What another month....?

I really don't have much to report in the way of inspiration... Wait..I am inspired!

Summer has left and winter is in the near future... Wenatchee and the Columbia River Valley is a wonderful, colorful place to live and work. I am one lucky man...

I been working daily on the novel adaptation. What a wonderful journey it is to put another author's story into script. I am learning a lot about storyline, character arch, B story... well everything. I know this will improve my storytelling for future screenplays. Oh... the screenplay is maturing daily. I'm beating out the scene process. No dialogue.

Until then.... Smiles to all you scribes....

Your Life - Your Movie

Namate Speedo

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What a Month!!

I can't believe September is behind me... Lots of productivity, creativity, fun...

I am will immersed into the treatment of my adaptation project... It's starting to jell. The work is becoming fun. Full of enjoyment and surprises.

I can always tell when the project turns to fun - I have found the voice of the piece. It's taken me a long time to arrive at this point in my creative career. It was a joy all along my journey.

I feel I'm the luckiest man in the world right now. I know it is only going get better and better.

My bliss have become my career... I am and always have been blessed...

I don't have anything else going on at this time to expound upon... so .......

Your Life - Your Movie

Namaste Speedo

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Chase Your Dream - Never Give Up

I have been writing screenplays for 25 years. Most of the time I kept them to myself. I didn't feel they were ready for primetime.

My first intro into the working of Hollywood came in 88 when after playing around with writing industrial videos. I had put an ad in the Desert Sun looking for scripts.

I received a few, none good enough, but I met a screenwriter to be who became my writing partner for a few of years. Together we were introduced to a producer who had a 'deal' with Paramount. He had an office on the lot. We wrote a couple of scripts that were that good - not that good, but I got a taste of what the industry was all about. It's not for the weak of heart.
The partnership broke up.

Still I would pump one out every few years.

About 15 years later I met another writer/producer of short films and over three years we wrote a couple and scripts and even got one optioned.

All the time I continued to read scripts and books about screenwriting. I would drop it for a few months, but always developed story ideas.

The thing is I kept immersed in the learning. I met a wonderful mentor, Blake Snyder, and was fortunate enough to take a couple of his seminars on the craft of storytelling/screenwriting.
I kept writing, developing and in contact with my last writing partner. I would read his scripts and give coverage notes.

A couple of months ago I contacted him and asked if his project was moving forward. He said that he was in another rewrite. He sent me his script to read and I mentioned it was a vast improvement. Writing scripts is all about rewriting and rewriting and rewriting.....
He told me that he had a project that had been offered to him, but he was too busy to work on it and asked if I wanted to take a look.

Well today I received word that the adaptation that I have been beating out, outlining, sample scripting is going forward. The author has a letter of intent from a production company to make the film when he presents a quality script.

Next week I will be signing an Intellectual Property Agreement with the author to adapt his book to a screenplay. This is fun.

What I wanted to point out is I never gave up. I continued to learn the craft of storytelling and screenwriting so that when this project landed at my feet I was ready.
I never gave up.

Here's the optimistic quote from a screenwriter/author that we all should read every morning...

“Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark.

In the hopeless swamps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all , do not let the gero in your soul perish and leave only frustration for the life you deserved, but never have been able to reach. The world ou desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible…. It is yours!” Ayn Rand….b. St. Petersburg Russia

Your Life - Your Movie
Namaste Speedo

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


What a fast July! Did anyone get the license number?

I am that I am. A loving creative being. A creator of my universe.

I have been caught up in a rewrite of a script for a writer/producer. And it's FUN! It has taken all my energy and time.

It's challenging to rewrite someone's laborious creative ideas while keeping the same story intact. What to cut? What character to eliminate? When to start the scene? The Act? When to leave the scene? What scene to cut? All of this without any coverage. It's a blank canvas.

What I decided was to go with my instincts on my first draft. It makes the story mine. Then, I can add and/or subtract from there. It a process and I love it.

I hope all your summer escapes have been wonderfully exciting memorable experiences. These are the souvenirs that you'll cherish forever.

Your Life Your Movie

Namaste Speedo

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Experience... No Struggling?

I was talking to a friend yesterday when he ask me whether I thought life was a struggle?

My first thoughts were "well yeah. It's always has been a struggle for everyone". Then I stopped my thoughts, took a breath and replied, "No I don't".

Then came the barrage of questions:
On your journey through life don't you struggle everyday?
Don't you struggle to change?
Do you really accept everything?
Do you accept the war? Starvation? The Poor?

Frustrated, after about 5 minutes of struggling to convince me, he finally said "You just want to argue with me."

I said, "I don't live my life as though it is a struggle. And no, I'm not arguing with you. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm arguing with you. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. You and I have a different view on life. It's not that I'm right and you're wrong." With that he got up and left.

I understand where my friend was coming from. I acknowledge his view on life. I honor his view on his life. It is his path at this time in his life. It's his to struggle if he desires. It's just not the way I choose to live life.

Today I live my life as though it is a series of experiences. Nothing more. There is no good or bad. No right or wrong. No better or worst. Life is a gift. By living in the NOW (No Other Way) I receive the present.

I try to go out of my mind. My mind is always processing life. It wants figure it out and throw it in little boxes so "I" could make sense out of events. This limited me. As my mind was attempting to protect me by struggling to process everything - I was missing out on life. True life.

Years ago I found the life's secret for me. I became vulnerable to everything. Vulnerability became a position of power, not weakness. I stopped trying to figure out what was going on only to satisfy my mind while I was missing life. I was fulfilling my minds needs but at the cost of my heart-spirits needs.

My spirit needs experiences. When I allow my spirit to experience life's events it thrives. This is the reason my spirit came to earth. For human experiences. To feel what it is like to be human. It doesn't judge. It experiences. It doesn't limit. It experiences. It doesn't process. It experiences. Too simple? Maybe. This too is an experience.

This is why I can say that life is not a struggle. It's just an experience.

Your Life - Your Movie
Namaste Speedo

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Be Outrageous... have Fun!

What am I talking about? The care and feeding of your Spirit.

Okay here's the scoop... we are all actors on this stage of life. We get to choose the parts we play on a daily basis. Now the questions is "what role do we want to play today?"

Most of us play roles we are familiar with. The Mother. Father. Sibling. Son. Daughter. Employee. Addict. Lover. Enabler. Dominator. Dependent. Inventor. Thief. Drunk. Blamer. Victim. Wife. Husband... Not to mention all the labels we call ourselves on a daily basis that inhibit spiritual experiences.

Here's the challenge to each of us: Be Outrageous... for life's experiences!

I was so fearful of what the public thought of me a decade ago that I went bright blond. It was remarkable. Not we all now that men do not color their hair. It's a taboo. Really? The women in my life were shocked but complimented me. The men in life were shocked and suggested I'd lost my mind. The end result was this - I was having fun and most people didn't care that I was being outrageous. I recently shaved my head with the same result - people don't care.

If people don't care what you do why not have all the fun you can. Be outrageous. Redefine the roles you play or at least lighten up and have fun.

This is a challenge for most of us. I think it's a hold over from tribe or group mentality. I grew up in a family where the message I heard was "do not embarrass the family". Now I can't say that was the actual message I was given but that was what I heard. It hand cuffed me. It defined me. It limited me to not adventure out and experience outrageous behavior.

The bottom line is I was allowing myself to be defined and controlled by my mind. Old mental pictures, limitations, boundaries, patterns, habits were imprisoning me. My spirit lives on experiences not knowledge. Yet my mind was processioning each experience as it unfolded. No fun! It thought it was protecting me, my spirit.

The result was my mind imprisoned my spirit. Suffocating my spirit. Stifling my spirit. And I was becoming more miserable. When I discovered that my mind was out to get me I somehow found the courage to "go out of my mind". I learned to breathe when I felt myself nervous to connect with my spirit.

Being outrageous allows me to have fun. Today I am vulnerable to life and all of its experiences. I almost missed life. I almost missed My Movie.


Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo

Friday, June 3, 2011

Going out of your Mind!

A friend called me today telling me that his head is attacking him.... again. Boy can I relate to this, but not as often as I use to.

I have worked real hard... well that's not entirely true... to go out of my mind. When you think about the your mind it's main function is to protect you by analyzing data, circumstances, surroundings in order for you to survive. It has served you well. But now there's more...

But something is happening today that calls for each of us to go out of their minds. No I don't mean crazy or insane but rather to stop relying solely on rational thought. It is not serving you and me well.

Your Heart-Spirit is calling to you and me. I call this being 'vulnerable' to life. I mean everything - people, colors, smells, sights, experiences. I discovered that being vulnerable empowered me. I met and did things on the spur of the moment throughout my day. I gathered souvenirs - experiences.

I recognized this about a 15 years ago when I noticed I was fighting with my brain to step out of myself. By 'myself' I mean my mind and its judgmental, defining, expecting, limiting behavior. It was not working in my life. In reality, my mind has always kept me in its rut in order to control me. The mind hates not to be in control.

Today, by stepping out of my mind and remaining vulnerable, I connect with my true Heart-Spirit. It's always been their waiting patiently for me to provide it with what it yearns for - Experiences. Any and all experiences without any limiting influence which the mind provides.

By listening to my heart-spirit I have discovered my true calling in this life - to be a Sovereign Being. It is a wonderful journey. At first it took daily practice to go out of my mind. My mind is sneaky. It kept trying to alert me to its unhappiness by suggesting false illusions of fear, doubt, depression and low self-esteme. Again trying to control me.

Slowly I began to recognize where these false illusions were coming from and I 'chose' not to react to it. I would say 'that is a lie' and 'thank you for sharing', then become vulnerable to the experience. The result was true freedom for the first time in my life.

Vulnerability to life is empowering. Today I listen to my Heart-Spirit. It leads my to wonderful experiences.

Oh! By the way... I'm smiling a lot more.

Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Not Grateful... Start your day over

What a simple statement. But how do I start my day over?

Answer: Just Do It... as Nike suggests.

I have lived with this simple answer to all my problems for years now. Yet, I still forget to do it now and then. The trick is to recognize what is am doing early in the process or day.

Being human, sometimes I get entrenched in my personal rut of ....... and can't see what's going on until I'm well into it. Sometimes hours pass or even a day until I recognize what I am trudging through and I cannot stop or start it over. How can I limit these periods?

One way is to start with a gratitude list. Another is to get a perspective on how much control I have over the situation.

A friend let me photo this card that he carries around to remind himself to remain grateful throughout the day. Again this is simple.

How grateful are you today? President Abe Lincoln said "You are as happy (or grateful) as you make you mind up to be."

Don't worry about anything you can't control... why? Because it's out of your control. If it's in your control then do something about it NOW... Be grateful...

Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Attitude Adjustment

Ever have one of those days where everything you touch turns to s**t?? Luckily for it been quite of while since one those ugly day raised its head.

Years ago a friend of mine told me an easy answer - "Start your day over no matter what time it is".

What he said was stop what you're doing. Just stop. Don't wait for an opportune time. Just stop. Breathe. Breath is a wonderful stress reliever and it's simple. Maybe too simple?

Right now... Take a deep breath. Feel it fill you lungs. Take another if necessary. Feel your whole body relax.

Now go back to what you were doing....

It's an instant fix to whatever is going on. Instant focus.

Your Life - Your Movie
Namaste Speedo

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Patterns and Limitation

Patterns. Our lives are permeated with all kinds of patterns. From the moment of our birth we become a pattern. It shapes our developing minds so it can become turned on for survival in this alien world. A world dominated by patterns.

Duh... so big deal you say. Well it actually is.

Take a look from the perspective of you spirit. We are, after all, Spirits before we inhabit this vessel that we call a Human Being.

Have you ever looked into the eyes of a baby and witnessed the astonishment in its eyes? I contend that its attempting to make sense out of the being that is gazing at it. It smiles when it recognizes the spirit reaching out for it and is scared when there is no spirit present. It is not that there is no spirit there, but rather that the spirit has been over run by the patterns of being human.

Where did the spirit go? The mind has taken over. The mind needs patterns to make sense of its perceived life and survival. It grows in patterns. It learns in patterns. It relies on patterns. And it becomes limited to its own patterns.

Limited? Yes limited. In order for our Spirit to reveal itself we must "go out of our minds".

Okay I need you to make a leap of faith with me.

We have chosen to become human in order for our Spirit to Experience Life. If we don't release our mind and its patterns we will experience the same patterns over and over and over again. Am I nuts????? It doesn't matter.

Let go in order to reveal your Spirit. Your mind sees Right and Wrong. Good and Bad. But is fact these are just judgements based upon patterns of analysis we have learned. Learned not experienced. What happens when you release all judgements? You experience life. Breathe and nourish your spirit. Breathe in knowing and remembering and breathe out doubt, fear, limitation. This is why were chose to come here at this time. This is New Energy.

The Old Energy is being attacked around the world. Look at the upheaval that is taking place. Old regimes are being questioned. New Energy is emerging - Awakening. This is all good.

If you are Old Energy you are questioning the patterns in your life. The limiting patterns our mind has clutched onto. Now is the time to release the old thinking - Old Energy and welcome New Energy. Expansion is freeing. In short, what ever you are going through right now really doesn't matter. It all doesn't matter. Let it all go and touch your spirit.

After all we are all Spiritual Beings having Human Experiences - this is Expansion. Our experience must not be based upon knowledge. Patterns of knowledge limit experience. Why? We prejudge based upon knowledge. Let it go. Experience for the joy of Experience. Let the patterns go. Live life for the experience of life. You will find that you are smiling so much that it may hurt do to lack of use. It doesn't matter. Smile.

Your Life - Your Movie
Namaste Speedo

Friday, April 22, 2011

Life's Enemy - Doubt

OMG This is my number one struggle in life - Releasing Doubt

I like to think of myself as a mindful man. That is my problem. I have have tried to live for so years in my mind that I ignored my spirit. I relied on rational thought in everything. Work. Business. Writing. Family. Friends. Relationships. In the end, my mind failed me in every area.

I have learned the mind thinks that it has control over everything and every area of life. Of course it would because it thinks it's in control and doesn't want to loose control over Me. my life. Its life. This is exhausting and a big lie.

When I attempt to rely on my spirit for choices in my life instead of my rational thought, my mind throughs doubt into my decision making process. I would relent to doubt and my spirit would weep. Crushed one more time.

Our spirit knows no doubt. It only knows yes. It wants experiences of life to nourish it. That is why it came here on Earth in the first place: To Experience what it is like to be Human.

And when the spirit finally arrives what do we give it? Our mind to fight every experience as a way of protecting us or rather its self. Old habits left over from countless struggles for survival. These survival struggles were real but we are living in a new energetic world of the spirit. I can feel it. My spirit is called to it and is part of it. Our collective spirit is actively changing our Earth.

Look all the upheaval going on around the world. This is a good thing in the long run. The old way of looking at ourselves is changing around the world. The new is challenging the old. People want their voice to be heard. Governments and Religions will fight us on every level but they will relent to this. In the next couple of years we will evolve.

Our spiritual voice has center stage. It will be heard. Doubt is being screamed by our minds, but no one is listening. Spirit is having its voice heard. This is all good even though my mind has its doubts attempting to control life. One more time - Doubt is Life's Enemy.

What a wonderful time to be alive. Sovereign beings each one of us. Listen to your spirit.

Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sovereign Human Beings

The arrogance of this post comes from my journey. It's a given that we all know how to be human right? I discovered that for me that was an incorrect assumption.... that I needed to correct.

My journey of self-discovery in the ultimate experience. I had to break all the rules that I grew up with to exhaust my preconceptions of what it meant to be human. I needed help. A mentor or guide that would introduce me to limitless possible potentials.

I tried the obvious. Family. School. Work. Creativity. Travel. Relationships. Community. Everything worked and provided me with nourishment that in the end was unfulfilling. I still never felt that I was human. I was missing something. And I didn't know what it was, but I was bound to discover that everything listed above had one thing in common: Experiences.

Is that all that this life is? In a word - Yes!

I had to learn to become sovereign unto myself and be okay with my life experiences realizing that these were the nourishment I had been searching for all my life. I changed my perception. Relationships are the water of life as a human. We are all on this journey together but we make the journey as sovereign human beings.

We are at a time when our self-relience is paramount. We are all being waned off of dependence of others, specially governing entities - religious or government. They will fail us all in the end. Reliance on anything outside of ourselves will eventually lead to disaster do to the nature of dependency.

That is what we are witnessing around the world. The old ways of existing in community is crumbing. This dogmatic relationship to the only way we can survive lays in the past isn't working any more. We are all being surrendered to sovereign reliance of that inner voice within each of us. The one who sits in the center of the circle and knows.

This is the true essence of all human beings on our collective journey. Breathe. Breathe and know. Feel the stress and confusion release from every pore of your body. You will be in touch with You. It's what we all have been searching for along our journeys.

This is what I have discovered. I am a sovereign human being. I am that I am. What a wonderful journey its been. And it continues.....

Your Life - Your Movie
Namaste Speedo

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pressure... Breathe!

We all live in a world of pressure. All of it is caused by ourselves either overtly or covertly. But it's pressure still the same. We are not victims of deadlines, work schedules, relationships, illness.

We place ourselves in a position to be effected everyday to someone's or something's pressure that we give to them. A lot of us do this to feel alive. It's all drama.

What's the answer? Breathe. The gift of breathe awakens the spirit and allows it to calm every fiber of our being.

How does this work? It reminds us all that it "doesn't matter". Where the body and mind want activity, the spirit wants to slow down and experience what going on around it. It came, you came into this physical form for one purpose: to experience.

Throughout our lives we have mistakenly believed physical action and drama is the only experience we need. That is the mind talking. It's what it feeds on. The false belief that the idle mind leads to trouble has been sold to us by western philosophers through the ages. The mind can only feel alive through external stimuli. And it demands this stimuli every moment of the day. Stop believing your mind.

Durning your self imposed stressful times stop and breathe. Right now breathe in calmness and breathe out worry and stress. Breathe knowing and breathe out doubt. Breathe in your true awareness and breathe out release. It's all so simple I almost missed it.

Wake up to the calm within you and live Your Movie.

Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What's stopping you?

Are you worried about loosing the familiarity of the past and all it’s drama. Leaping off onto unfamiliar ground? Is this what is holding you back from your new movie? Fear of making a change and having it not work out? Where are these thoughts coming from? Guess?

You are trying to figure this out using old thinking. These are the echoes of your past because you have not committed to your movie. You are measuring the potentials based on half-hearted attempts to experience the what-if I changed. You cannot experience true change by half-hearted attempts. The only true change comes with the empty handed leap of faith.

Are you really finished with the lessons that pre-change has brought to you? Can you trust your inner voice that is telling you that this is not working anymore? Trust only comes with commitment to something new. If you find yourself dragging your feet you are living in doubt. Doubt and Trust cannot occupy in the heart of change. Faith in your true spirit will see you through all change. Knowingness that all is perfect in the now. Now can you trust future potentials? I think you can. You wouldn’t have created this moment if you couldn't

You either trust in yourself or you don’t. Simple. Clear. Powerful. And…. All vulnerable to yourself and what you bring into your life to work for you. This is the essence of your movie. You have lived it in the dreams and now is the time to bring it into your spirit.

Your spirit is crying out for the release of doubt. Trust your spirit to be true to you. Let go of your mind as a source of creation for Your Movie. If you take an honest look at what your mind has brought you in the past - your desire to give your movie back to your mind? Is that nuts?

You can't think your way into your movie. It's too limiting. You are into expansion today. Your mind limits you from leaping ahead. It limits you by holding onto logical steps that it understands. State the goal or dream and be surprised by the journey to arrival. You will be happier.

How's Your Movie coming along?

Namaste Speedo

Monday, March 28, 2011

Potentials Past and Future

Potentials have always been with us. We choose whitch one we want to bring into reality and our lives. This goes not only for the future potentials we want but also for the past potentials we didn't choose.

These discarded potentials exist in our minds sadly. Why? Because most of us choose to live in the past potentials we never chose. We spent time reliving "what ifs". Chewing on our possibilities that escaped us. Choices we made still haunt us.

We are stealing time from our present now by allowing past potentials to cloud our observation of today.

We suffer the same confusion when we analyze our present potentials by spending too much time in our minds. We believe that if you think our way through life it will get better. This is the illusion which mind presents for us based upon all its time spent reliving the past potentials we didn't choose because it thinks if "we just analyzed our potentials better"...

What does this leave us? The now!

Potentials don't exist in the moment because as soon as we choose a potential it becomes a choice and we own it. All the other potentials now exist in our past. And we act on our choice and our life changes. This is all good.

What this taught me was to become an observer of my own life and through awareness of my conscious decisions live in the now. Nothing else exists but the now. How cool is this.

Today I spent less time thinking my way through life.

I have spent way too much energy trying to change my past and just as much time attempting to prepare for my future. What I lost was my present. I lost my movie.

Ask yourself what do I want? What would I choose right now? Get clarity on your wants. They are there only if you are clear. It's about being clear!

How's your movie coming???

Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Living in the Past

We all do it. Why?

It tells us we are alive by what we have accomplished or experienced. It gives us a reason to live today by what we have done in the past. This is crazy. This limits us. Turns us away from new experiences.

Today, this moment is the only thing we truly have. Just now. Why would you want to base today on what has already happened? Why limit my experiences by past feelings, emotions, and all the other limited measurements that I continue to hold onto?

Let them all go. Live in today. Live in the moment and breath. You cannot breath in the past. So I don't want to live there. I will miss all the gifts that await me today. In this moment.

It takes practice. Think of all the time you spend talking about what took place earlier. Last night. Yesterday. Growing up. They're gone except in your memories. You live in one past event - you live your life in all past events.

Love yourself for who you are today. Not who you were. Let it in. Let it all in as you go through your day. The people you meet only recognize you for who you are today. Not what you have done. It's nice, but who really cares besides you? Answer - no one.

Make this moment your movie and project it to the world. It's a blockbuster. Academy award winner starring YOU!

Your Life - Your Movie!

Namaste Speedo

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Create Your Movie

Not surprising to most of us, but we create our life.

What the surprise is that we are now living our creation. It's our Movie.

How is yours coming along? You are showing it to everyone already.

If you believe that you are a victim to circumstances I have to guess that you are not too happy with the way it's turning out. What are you willing to do about that?

Start right now by changing your attitude from pessimistic to optimistic. Take control of your thoughts, dreams and feelings to change your life. Don't settle.

Be creative in this life.

Be selfish with your movie.

After all, it's your life that you are living. Choose wisely. Choose your life. Choose your dream. Become the star we are all waiting to see. Make your movie a blockbuster.

You can start with baby steps and build upon them everyday. Practice right now. You can start your day over at any time. Refuse to accept old habits that you have held onto. Create new habits. You will be astonished by the results. Practice something new everyday and watch what happens.

Your Movie is exciting. I can't wait to see it!

Your Life - Your Movie!

Namaste Speedo

Monday, March 7, 2011

No Doubt Know Faith

It's really simple. It's really easy. Never doubt yourself. Press forward. Have faith in you.

Okay what's this all about?

Have you ever noticed how often we doubt our success. But we never doubt our failures. Why do we do that. Doubt builds walls and halts our faith and success.

I think it stems to our parents telling us not to boast about our accomplishments and abilities.

I say nuts to this. I will boast about my abilities humbly. If I can spin a story I should tell people so. If I am a great house painter I should say so. If I give the best pest control service I need not apologize. If I am spiritual healer I owe it to people to tell them so.

We have been trained that it's better to be a "Doubting Thomas" than a promoter of ourself or others. This is nuts and I am change. I recognize my skills and promote them.

I am eliminating all of my doubts (Habits) and have faith that all will work out. I will manifest and create the life I want. The success that I want. The relationships I want. This is the way it has always been only we were to embarrassed to claim it. Claim it now. Receive what is your's for the claiming. It is easy. It is fun. It is loving yourself. I is the truth of who you really are. Celebrate life and you will receive wonderful gifts.

How about you? Share who you truly are. The real you. No need to hind. Light a fire within yourself to lead the way. It's who you are.

Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo

Monday, February 21, 2011

Create Your Life

I have been creating my life all my life. Only I didn't realize it.

Whatever I wanted in my life was skewed by telling the universe what I didn't want in my life. And what did I get, exactly, everything I didn't want in my life.

What did I loose? I lost my drive to be everything I wanted. I lost loves that I thought were leaving me. I lost a marriage. I lost money. I lost dreams. I lost ambition. I gave up.

Had I understood that I could have everything: my dreams, my loves, my companies, my health, my jobs, myself. All is mine for the creating feelings and experiencing everything as if it exists now - and it does. Had I only believed this and realized I was creating my woes.

Create your life. Create the Movie you want.

Your Life - Your Movie!

Namaste Speedo

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Claiming Your Life

I have had a rebirth in my ideas concerning chasing your potential. Not really potential but an easier way to acquire it. Claim it. Accept it. Recognize that it exists now - It Does!

I couldn't become anything until I claimed I was that person all ready. Silly isn't it. Nike says it best - "Just Do It". I claimed that I was a guitar player - I was a guitar player. I claimed I was a skier - I was a skier. I claimed I was a writer - I was a writer. Too simple.

Try doing anything. Try opening a door. Try climbing a ladder. Try not smoking. Nothing in this life happens until you do it. Open the door. Climb the ladder. Stop smoking. Why do we think that we have to try everything. We either do it or not.

Life is the same way. Put away all the pre-taught lessons given to us by our "teachers". As helpful that you may think they are, they are not helping you to be the person you want to be. They limit who you really are. They define you so why not make them grand, over the top, out of this world, universe size. That is who you really are. You are all that you can be.

If you can think it, dream it, feel it - you are all ready there.

Today - Claim who you really are. No limitations.

Focus on what you want. There is no room for anything else. This takes practice and more practice. If you feel yourself slipping back to all thoughts, rules, limitations - toss them out immediately. This is you. This is your dream. This is your movie. This is your Life.

Claim it - Live it. Have fun. Feel your happiness.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Potential - Whose?

Try harder. You can do it. You have such potential. Sound familiar?

For most if not all of us, we heard this from loving or dysfunctional parents, partners, brothers and sisters all our lives. They did this out of love. They all wanted to us to achieve something. It was good and it absolutely frustrated me to the cord. I built up wall and shut their kind words out.

I got Pissed. Combative. Secluded to the point of failing, just to show them they were wrong. And I proved that I was right - I couldn't do it.

Then I heard my own voice direction me toward what I enjoyed. And I succeeded. I tried something else that I wanted and drew my interest. I succeeded. This continues until this day and you know what - I succeed.

I call this Chasing My Potential. And my Dreams.

This site and my coaching is all directed toward - you finding what your dreams are and chasing them. You know what? You will succeed. Step my step when we break down what you dreams are - goals - into intermediate step you will succeed. And you will be proud. And amazed how simple it was.

Chase Your Potential that you define, design, want and succeed.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Page - New Energy

Wow! This is a great year to be alive.

So much is happening and will continue to materialize in the realm of manifesting what we all claim in our lives. I am claiming this now.

Chase Your Potential has taken the step toward fullness of realizing the universe is already creating what we want in our lives. We have always created it. But we were so blind that we couldn't come to realize it is here just waiting for us to claim it.

Whether you are starting a new business, a new relationship or simply want to attract abundant money into your life. Claim it and believe it is here and it will be. The power is in all of us. We have no wants only recognizing it is here now. Simple yes.

I discovered through my writing podcast a wonderful spiritual healer/guide Dee Wallace - "Conscious Creation" available on iTunes. I highly recommend her to all. Start at the beginning and take the journey. It's wonderful.

Love and prosperity to you all.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo