Friday, April 22, 2011

Life's Enemy - Doubt

OMG This is my number one struggle in life - Releasing Doubt

I like to think of myself as a mindful man. That is my problem. I have have tried to live for so years in my mind that I ignored my spirit. I relied on rational thought in everything. Work. Business. Writing. Family. Friends. Relationships. In the end, my mind failed me in every area.

I have learned the mind thinks that it has control over everything and every area of life. Of course it would because it thinks it's in control and doesn't want to loose control over Me. my life. Its life. This is exhausting and a big lie.

When I attempt to rely on my spirit for choices in my life instead of my rational thought, my mind throughs doubt into my decision making process. I would relent to doubt and my spirit would weep. Crushed one more time.

Our spirit knows no doubt. It only knows yes. It wants experiences of life to nourish it. That is why it came here on Earth in the first place: To Experience what it is like to be Human.

And when the spirit finally arrives what do we give it? Our mind to fight every experience as a way of protecting us or rather its self. Old habits left over from countless struggles for survival. These survival struggles were real but we are living in a new energetic world of the spirit. I can feel it. My spirit is called to it and is part of it. Our collective spirit is actively changing our Earth.

Look all the upheaval going on around the world. This is a good thing in the long run. The old way of looking at ourselves is changing around the world. The new is challenging the old. People want their voice to be heard. Governments and Religions will fight us on every level but they will relent to this. In the next couple of years we will evolve.

Our spiritual voice has center stage. It will be heard. Doubt is being screamed by our minds, but no one is listening. Spirit is having its voice heard. This is all good even though my mind has its doubts attempting to control life. One more time - Doubt is Life's Enemy.

What a wonderful time to be alive. Sovereign beings each one of us. Listen to your spirit.

Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sovereign Human Beings

The arrogance of this post comes from my journey. It's a given that we all know how to be human right? I discovered that for me that was an incorrect assumption.... that I needed to correct.

My journey of self-discovery in the ultimate experience. I had to break all the rules that I grew up with to exhaust my preconceptions of what it meant to be human. I needed help. A mentor or guide that would introduce me to limitless possible potentials.

I tried the obvious. Family. School. Work. Creativity. Travel. Relationships. Community. Everything worked and provided me with nourishment that in the end was unfulfilling. I still never felt that I was human. I was missing something. And I didn't know what it was, but I was bound to discover that everything listed above had one thing in common: Experiences.

Is that all that this life is? In a word - Yes!

I had to learn to become sovereign unto myself and be okay with my life experiences realizing that these were the nourishment I had been searching for all my life. I changed my perception. Relationships are the water of life as a human. We are all on this journey together but we make the journey as sovereign human beings.

We are at a time when our self-relience is paramount. We are all being waned off of dependence of others, specially governing entities - religious or government. They will fail us all in the end. Reliance on anything outside of ourselves will eventually lead to disaster do to the nature of dependency.

That is what we are witnessing around the world. The old ways of existing in community is crumbing. This dogmatic relationship to the only way we can survive lays in the past isn't working any more. We are all being surrendered to sovereign reliance of that inner voice within each of us. The one who sits in the center of the circle and knows.

This is the true essence of all human beings on our collective journey. Breathe. Breathe and know. Feel the stress and confusion release from every pore of your body. You will be in touch with You. It's what we all have been searching for along our journeys.

This is what I have discovered. I am a sovereign human being. I am that I am. What a wonderful journey its been. And it continues.....

Your Life - Your Movie
Namaste Speedo

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pressure... Breathe!

We all live in a world of pressure. All of it is caused by ourselves either overtly or covertly. But it's pressure still the same. We are not victims of deadlines, work schedules, relationships, illness.

We place ourselves in a position to be effected everyday to someone's or something's pressure that we give to them. A lot of us do this to feel alive. It's all drama.

What's the answer? Breathe. The gift of breathe awakens the spirit and allows it to calm every fiber of our being.

How does this work? It reminds us all that it "doesn't matter". Where the body and mind want activity, the spirit wants to slow down and experience what going on around it. It came, you came into this physical form for one purpose: to experience.

Throughout our lives we have mistakenly believed physical action and drama is the only experience we need. That is the mind talking. It's what it feeds on. The false belief that the idle mind leads to trouble has been sold to us by western philosophers through the ages. The mind can only feel alive through external stimuli. And it demands this stimuli every moment of the day. Stop believing your mind.

Durning your self imposed stressful times stop and breathe. Right now breathe in calmness and breathe out worry and stress. Breathe knowing and breathe out doubt. Breathe in your true awareness and breathe out release. It's all so simple I almost missed it.

Wake up to the calm within you and live Your Movie.

Your Life - Your Movie!
Namaste Speedo