Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 Full of Winners

It the day before New Years Eve 2009!

I don't know about you but I keep kicking myself asking where did the decade go. It just flew past! As I look back in reflection - I have logged a number of life's experiences and lessons and came out the other end better, if not richer financially, for the journey.

I am in a good place mentally and spiritually! I am healthy. I am wiser. I am kinder. I am confident. I am . . . . . you can fill in the answer.

Now if I was to write this a week or two ago, I don't know if could claim to be as optimistic.

What changed? My attitude and belief in the gifts that await me in the new year. I have been practicing structured meditation to create my new abundant reality. I am prepared to receive everything that the universe has in store for me.

I have to admit that I have been the one who has been blocking my journey. I have been getting my health back and I have. But that journey cost me accepting oportunities that were place in front of me by my higher power. I physically did not believe that I was ready to move forward. I had forgot that God never places anything in front of me that I am not able to handle. And, he doesn't place in front of me anything less than I was able to handle.

Today I am welcoming everything and everyone that is on my personal journey. And, because as I look around and see the his abundance - I know that these wonderful gifts are waiting to avail themselves to me. All I need to do is believe that I have the power to accomplish anything.

So for me 2010 is creating a dynamo with the talents and energy to accomplish anything I desire. It's my intention. It's my attention.

What are you going to create for yourself in 2010? It is your's for the asking!

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Music in Wenatchee

I'm sitting in a small cafe waiting to do my favorite things - drinking espresso and listening to live original music. My buddy Rick Marrow is playing his original songs for a couple of hours. We have about 50 or so friends that might drop by. And then again it might be an intimate evening. Anyway it will be enjoyable.

We are cutting a cd to send to a couple of producers friends of my to see what they think. I will bet you know how it all turns out.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hello from Coooooold Country!

This morning it was 2 degrees! Now that's cold. But the sun was out and it warmed up to a blistering 15! Yeah I know - don't forget the sun screen.

I'm still looking for a job up here. I got the release from my doctor to work right around Thanksgiving. This is a rough time of the year to find work. But I am trudging along to my song.

A friend who is a great guitarist and lyricist is performing at a one man evening at the local coffee shop. We are recording a CD and hope to come out with 25 or so original songs. I'll let you know how it all works out.

That's about it for now. Stay safe during this silly season and be sure to tell those close to you how happy you are that they are in your life.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo