Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hello from Coooooold Country!

This morning it was 2 degrees! Now that's cold. But the sun was out and it warmed up to a blistering 15! Yeah I know - don't forget the sun screen.

I'm still looking for a job up here. I got the release from my doctor to work right around Thanksgiving. This is a rough time of the year to find work. But I am trudging along to my song.

A friend who is a great guitarist and lyricist is performing at a one man evening at the local coffee shop. We are recording a CD and hope to come out with 25 or so original songs. I'll let you know how it all works out.

That's about it for now. Stay safe during this silly season and be sure to tell those close to you how happy you are that they are in your life.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

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