Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Acceptance in Adversity

Someone once said it is easy to be serene when everything is going your way - money in the bank, good job, loving relationship, close friends - I think that you know what I mean. But, the true test of serenity is when nothing is going your way. You are in the storm and it sucks. You're rowing up stream with one paddle. You're pushing the string and it folds under the pressure. Nothing is working. Are you still serene?

Most people fold. They lash out at everyone and everything. Everything they touch turns to mud - aka s&%t!

What is the difference? What I have found is it all breaks down to your level of acceptance. If you think that you have to approve of anything in order to accept it - well you might be walking through a lot of mud - and bringing the mud into your house, spreading it all over you loved ones.

I learned that Acceptance has absolutely nothing to do with approval. It is just reality for that moment. Nothing more and nothing less. It's NOW! No NOW! No NOW!

When I cannot accept someone or something at this moment, and I use this as an excuse to lash out and throw a tantrum - it's my serenity that suffers. Emotionally. Really all that I am at any time is a bundle of emotions. I have a choice how I choose to express them or not. This is the power that I have within my grasp.

For me, this was a difficult lessen to learn. It takes a lot of patience and practice. Don't give up on yourself. In this life, all we really have is love and emotional sobriety.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo