Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hello from Wenatchee

I have traded one desert for another quite a bit further north. Wenatchee is on the eastern slopes of the Cascades in eastern Washington. The Columbia River runs through the middle of town. 8000 foot mountains to the west and waving gains of wheat 2000 feet to the east. 

A pretty little town, far removed from the rich opulent Palm Springs area. I haven't seen a Rolls, Bentley, Maserati the likes that are common around El Paseo's shops and restaurants. 

The people smile at you and say hi when they pass you on the street - but so did I as I rode through the streets of the desert. I have to admit that I felt odd saying howdy - but it made me happy to acknowledge strangers to see their reaction. Here I feel right at home. 

I met some people at a community gathering. I believe people are mostly the same the world over. Most are less protected than they are in California and large cities. 

I went to church with my sister and her family. The pastor of 13 years is resigning as of today and moving to Florida. It was a touching service as he spoke about "Life is an Adventure". He really has nothing waiting for him when he arrives. He heard the message over about 6 months that his work in Wenatchee was complete and it was his time to open another chapter with faith and courage. Letting go was lesson crucial he had to learn. We all like to hang on to the "crutches" that has served us well. Mostly we all are hesitant to let go and trust. We second guess what messages come to us as too soon, too large, too risking. The greatest error is to deny ourselves Life's Adventure by not taken risks. Not foolish risks but calculated choices that call out to us. 

This is what I am doing in Wenatchee. I do not know what is going to materialize. I do not know what lays in store for me health wise or financially. All that I have is a knowing trusting that it is all for my good. 

So hello from Wenatchee. All is well and lovely. I wish you all happiness and love as you go through your Life's Adventure. Grasp it with all the gusto and faith you can garner. It's your's for the taking. God Bless you one and all.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

Friday, May 22, 2009

Catching Your Faith

A number of my friends are being challenged in all areas for their life. Sometimes I find it hard to believe what friends endure. When there is no simple answer to how they recover. When all information points to destruction and plight. When no justification for the events aligning positively. I sum this up to people catching their faith.

Faith cannot be taught - but you can catch it. A friend told me that it well all work out just the way that it's suppose to. Then he ask me the degree of faith that I had. Of course I replied "Yes. I have faith".  He stopped me and told me that I was confusing faith with belief. 

To me belief is based on intellectual assurances that this is so, or this is not so. Some experience - mostly stubbornness on my part that this is the way it has gone. 

Today my belief is mostly based on faith and acceptance. 

I am going through changes in my life and my faith is that all is well and aligned in the universe for my current course of action. I am leaving the beautiful Palm Desert where I have called home for the last 20 years. It a combination of health and finances. My health has precluded me from working full time for that last 9 months and with the economy the way it is I was cut back to 3 half days a week. I just couldn't hold on for the medical system to diagnose me. 

They have narrowed it down to Crohn's disease  but they cannot completely rule out Cancer in my colon. I cannot financially wait for the answer so off to beautiful Wenatchee WA. My loving sister offered me a place to light with her family until I can get my feet on the ground. Sometime you have to take that empty handed leap of faith that this is meant to be. I have complete faith that this is the right move for me. 

What's your faith quotient? 

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hospital not Vacation Spa

I thought that I'd let you know what I've been going through. 

Last week I had a colonoscopy done. They found a severe infection in my colon along with a 2 centimeter mass. They thought that they could control the infection with a week stay in the hospital they could go back in and take a biopsy. It didn't work! 

They released me and scheduled me to return for another scope in about 2 weeks. Mentally, I am doing okay - it's still an adventure. But emotionally I am concerned about what the next step is. 

They told me that the infection in the reason that my energy has been sapped for the last 5 months. Throughout this time I wanted to increase my coaching practice and pick up a couple of part-time jobs to see me through this. But, I have discovered without any energy I have not succeeded in either one. 

I am here waiting to see what is next in my life. I do not believe that God tests any on us. I know for me that I turn to him when the chips are down. I am writing this as a cathartic prescription to total healing. I need this.

I thank you all for your positive input over the months. 

Your Life - Your Rules!

Nasmaste Speedo