Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hospital not Vacation Spa

I thought that I'd let you know what I've been going through. 

Last week I had a colonoscopy done. They found a severe infection in my colon along with a 2 centimeter mass. They thought that they could control the infection with a week stay in the hospital they could go back in and take a biopsy. It didn't work! 

They released me and scheduled me to return for another scope in about 2 weeks. Mentally, I am doing okay - it's still an adventure. But emotionally I am concerned about what the next step is. 

They told me that the infection in the reason that my energy has been sapped for the last 5 months. Throughout this time I wanted to increase my coaching practice and pick up a couple of part-time jobs to see me through this. But, I have discovered without any energy I have not succeeded in either one. 

I am here waiting to see what is next in my life. I do not believe that God tests any on us. I know for me that I turn to him when the chips are down. I am writing this as a cathartic prescription to total healing. I need this.

I thank you all for your positive input over the months. 

Your Life - Your Rules!

Nasmaste Speedo

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