Friday, January 30, 2009

Alienation Revealed

First -I want to urge you to go see "Slumdog Millionaire". It's wonderfully written and directed. A sure winner.

A friend of mine was talking about his son asking him what Kafka's "Metamorphosis" was about. His take was that the main character ends up killing himself over feeling alienated. My heart stopped and I took one of those revealing deep breathes. I have felt that way all of my life.

Real or perceived - alienation permeates society. Ours and everyone around the world.

Here's my take on how we become alienated. . . . It's just my observation for what it's worth.

Initially - I believe to starts at home for most of us. When those who are suppose to love and protect us as children - pull away their physical and emotional love we are left alone. Fear begins to exist everywhere and we - human beings - blame ourselves as the reason we are being discarded. After a period of months or years we fall into the fight or flight syndrome. We strike out at everyone and everything because we do not want to feel the pain of being rejected.

I know this is really simplistic - I am not a psychologist - it just seems to be the logical evolution of how I felt alienated.

For me, it was more physical love being withdrawn than emotional love. I knew my parents loved me emotionally - but physical love was not part of my family dynamic as I recall my childhood. I just seemed to stop playing with any physical contact from my parents or siblings. After physical contact was removed - I believe I stopped laughing that gut level laughter that kids experience. Maybe the lack of laughter made me feel alienated? Life became too serious.

I know that when I get scared in a relationship - real or preceived, alienation raises its ugly head. I pull away to protect myself. I know that this is the major cause of my last heartbreak. I am so sorry that I did not have the courage to laugh more. Forgive me.

What's your alienation factor? Laugh more! They are not doing this to us - Love is the answer.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Humanity Reveals Spirit

I have been having a number of  conversations about Spirituality over the recent weeks. Some people are scared of the thought of spiritual teachings. Others are searching from the magic potion that would instantly give them more Spirituality. Confusing? 

Okay here goes my beliefs on this subject. I have resided in both camps throughout my life. Fearful and searching.

Today I believe that we are born of the spirit and that never leaves us. It's still there with all the wonder and magic - our spirit is just along for a ride through this human adventure we call life. I can't pretend to know what it is doing or thinking while we do the crazy antics we humans go through on a daily basis - but it is still there all the same.

I can remember chewing on the Eastern teachers telling me that this is the way to spirituality. Meditate. Prayer. Go on retreats. Change my diet. Change from briefs to boxers. I don't know but I bet that you have traveled along this highway. All it did for me was to challenge me to walk through life in a confusing trance. 

Then there were periods in my life where I was the opposite. Lost in the rat race of acquiring material "things" so that I looked like I had it all together. Guess what? This didn't work either.

Over the last 15 years I have discovered that we can't be any more spiritual than we were at birth.  I read on the back slip cover of a Wayne Dyer book "We are not human being trying to become more Spiritual - We are Spiritual beings trying to become more Human." or something like that. How do I become more human?

For me it took finding my God of my understanding, meditation and prayer - in order to give me the courage to be more human - not to become more Spiritual. When I'm practicing a code of principles based in love and service - my spirit shines through and connects with your spirit. We have a spiritual connection that crosses all barriers. In that moment of kindness spirit is expressed. It's magic.

What are your thoughts? It works for me.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

Friday, January 23, 2009

Great Thought

"When in doubt, show up early. Think Less. Feel more. Ask once. Give thanks often. Expect the best. Appreciate everything. Never give up. Make it fun. Lead. Invent. Regroup. Wink. Chill. Smile. And live as if the success was inevitable, and so it shall be. . . . "

I read this the other day and it really made me stop and think about what is going on with me and my health adventure.

My exhaustion has been pulling me down into a depression. I do not like it. I tried to ride my bike the other day and found myself grateful that I could make it a couple of miles - I did pay for it though when I got home.

This adventure - which is how I look at it - is nothing compared to what I have seen others walk through. It's just that it is new to me and I did not ask for this. I want my old energy driven life back. I know that I will get there one day - but not today.

I give thanks to all the people I know who wish me well. It means more to me than they know.

Re-read the above quote. It made me rethink my lot at this time.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Belief and Faith

I was sitting around talking with some friends when the subject of Belief and Faith came up.

Belief to me is when I, with or without any experience on my own, think something is true. Now by stating that I lack experience it doesn't mean that I do not have knowledge - studied, learned or pass on to me by my elders. By believing, I have taken some one's word or experience as my own. It remains true to me until I have some personal experience of my own.

Faith to me is when I take that belief - and through a personal experience of my own -I know that it is true. My belief has become faith. I can rely on whatever to work, materialize, manifest, etc. every time. Maybe not in my time - but it will happen. To me that is Faith

For some reason I needed to express my thoughts on belief and faith. 

What is your experience? Do you believe? Do you have faith? It's your choice.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo


I have added a new link for you to take a look at. 

Kindness - Cycle it Forward

I met Brock Tully recently though our love of cycling. Only Brock has taken it far beyond any where I wish to take my riding at this point in my life. Brock has twice ridden around the country - 12,000 miles - promoting Kindness through talking to kids, church groups and gathering of like minded people. I think you will enjoy his site. Speedo

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Checking in for 09

Hi guys - I can't believe that it has been 60 days since I checked in to let you know what's been going on with me and my thoughts on things.

Thanksgiving. Hanukkah. Christmas. New Years. Not to mention a lot of just life has passed through our time portal.

I have to mention the world lost a wonderful soul on December 17th. Joseph Cohen, 25. Joey was one of those unique souls who was funny, brilliant, creative, sensitive, loving, energetic young man who followed the beat of his own drummer. I loved him dearly. No matter how I tried - Joey was always Joey. Joey had that rare gift of being able to touch friends and strangers alike with his grace. He is survived by his many friends, his mother Tina and sister Rachel. God Bless you Joey and all who knew and loved him. I will miss hearing about his successes in his life.

The main reason for my absence is I have been extremely ill. They still don't really have a handle on what is going on with me - it's a slow prolonged process. I loss the use of my left arm for about 6 weeks - it's just now becoming usable for typing. They can't explain what happened.

The rest of my illness deals with my constant anemia that I have struggled with for over a decade. I am going through a lot of tests so the verdict is still out. I just suit up and show at the appointed time and let the professionals do what they are trained to do. I am pretty tired most of the time and that causes me to really miss riding my bicycle throughout my beautiful desert. As I find more out I will keep you informed.

Pearls of Wisdom - they escape me today - here's my mantra "Breath in . . . Breath out! It works for me.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo