Saturday, January 17, 2009

Belief and Faith

I was sitting around talking with some friends when the subject of Belief and Faith came up.

Belief to me is when I, with or without any experience on my own, think something is true. Now by stating that I lack experience it doesn't mean that I do not have knowledge - studied, learned or pass on to me by my elders. By believing, I have taken some one's word or experience as my own. It remains true to me until I have some personal experience of my own.

Faith to me is when I take that belief - and through a personal experience of my own -I know that it is true. My belief has become faith. I can rely on whatever to work, materialize, manifest, etc. every time. Maybe not in my time - but it will happen. To me that is Faith

For some reason I needed to express my thoughts on belief and faith. 

What is your experience? Do you believe? Do you have faith? It's your choice.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo


I have added a new link for you to take a look at. 

Kindness - Cycle it Forward

I met Brock Tully recently though our love of cycling. Only Brock has taken it far beyond any where I wish to take my riding at this point in my life. Brock has twice ridden around the country - 12,000 miles - promoting Kindness through talking to kids, church groups and gathering of like minded people. I think you will enjoy his site. Speedo

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