Saturday, January 24, 2009

Humanity Reveals Spirit

I have been having a number of  conversations about Spirituality over the recent weeks. Some people are scared of the thought of spiritual teachings. Others are searching from the magic potion that would instantly give them more Spirituality. Confusing? 

Okay here goes my beliefs on this subject. I have resided in both camps throughout my life. Fearful and searching.

Today I believe that we are born of the spirit and that never leaves us. It's still there with all the wonder and magic - our spirit is just along for a ride through this human adventure we call life. I can't pretend to know what it is doing or thinking while we do the crazy antics we humans go through on a daily basis - but it is still there all the same.

I can remember chewing on the Eastern teachers telling me that this is the way to spirituality. Meditate. Prayer. Go on retreats. Change my diet. Change from briefs to boxers. I don't know but I bet that you have traveled along this highway. All it did for me was to challenge me to walk through life in a confusing trance. 

Then there were periods in my life where I was the opposite. Lost in the rat race of acquiring material "things" so that I looked like I had it all together. Guess what? This didn't work either.

Over the last 15 years I have discovered that we can't be any more spiritual than we were at birth.  I read on the back slip cover of a Wayne Dyer book "We are not human being trying to become more Spiritual - We are Spiritual beings trying to become more Human." or something like that. How do I become more human?

For me it took finding my God of my understanding, meditation and prayer - in order to give me the courage to be more human - not to become more Spiritual. When I'm practicing a code of principles based in love and service - my spirit shines through and connects with your spirit. We have a spiritual connection that crosses all barriers. In that moment of kindness spirit is expressed. It's magic.

What are your thoughts? It works for me.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

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