Saturday, February 20, 2010

Time Passes

OMG - where has the second month of 2010 gone?

It seems that only a couple of days ago we celebrated 2010 and now it's almost March. Remember we have only 300 days until Christmas.

The sun is out and I have been riding every day of this week. It feels real good to get back in the saddle. I hope that spring is wonderful where you live. We have had an unusual winter. Not much snow this year. It could be real dangerous for the fruit crops if we get a real cold snap after the buds form, so they tell me.

Wenatchee has been real good for me. Health wise I am feeling better. Financially it's a struggle. But I have made wonderful friends up here. All is good. God hasn't brought me this far to drop me on my head. Faith and the ability to recognize his gifts and the power to take right action is the answer.

Where are you with your faith?

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo