Monday, December 20, 2010

Snowy Holidays

Hello from snowy Wenatchee.

This is the season of Good Will and Peace on Earth. Maybe it's just living in rural Americana but the people I run into are all Happy with the Season's Cheer. They take time to great friends on the street or at the coffee house. Most have already finished their shopping and are able to enjoy the holidays. What a nice change. Sure there are some jerks out there, but they are the exception and not the rule.

This is hoping all of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Remember - we all create what we want. Think limitless thoughts for the new year.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dream Manifestation

Optimism combined with hard work and positive manifestation will create a wonderful life but I have to do the footwork. What is the old saying - Luck is just work hard meeting opportunity.

I work hard when I create a screenplay, story development, seminar or anything in life. I must remember that the work is my part in the equation. The outcome, my dream, will be laid at my feet based upon my efforts.

When I was starting out chasing my dreams I failed to take the initial steps necessary to create my dream. I wanted to jump to the golden ring before any work was undertaken. After years of laying the pipe - a writers phrase - and accepting the results this created I now take joy in the work necessary.

Today - I have put a project "Revealing", that I have been struggling with for 6 months, in the drawer and picked up an older project "Risking" to develop. I have learned so much through my efforts on "Revealing" that will be paid off through my efforts in writing "Risking". In the end both projects will benefit. I am the winner.

What are your dreams you're working toward? Are you laying the pipe necessary to reach your dream? Today - I hope you realize that your dreams are waiting for you to put in the work that they deserve.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo