Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dream Manifestation

Optimism combined with hard work and positive manifestation will create a wonderful life but I have to do the footwork. What is the old saying - Luck is just work hard meeting opportunity.

I work hard when I create a screenplay, story development, seminar or anything in life. I must remember that the work is my part in the equation. The outcome, my dream, will be laid at my feet based upon my efforts.

When I was starting out chasing my dreams I failed to take the initial steps necessary to create my dream. I wanted to jump to the golden ring before any work was undertaken. After years of laying the pipe - a writers phrase - and accepting the results this created I now take joy in the work necessary.

Today - I have put a project "Revealing", that I have been struggling with for 6 months, in the drawer and picked up an older project "Risking" to develop. I have learned so much through my efforts on "Revealing" that will be paid off through my efforts in writing "Risking". In the end both projects will benefit. I am the winner.

What are your dreams you're working toward? Are you laying the pipe necessary to reach your dream? Today - I hope you realize that your dreams are waiting for you to put in the work that they deserve.

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

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