Monday, February 21, 2011

Create Your Life

I have been creating my life all my life. Only I didn't realize it.

Whatever I wanted in my life was skewed by telling the universe what I didn't want in my life. And what did I get, exactly, everything I didn't want in my life.

What did I loose? I lost my drive to be everything I wanted. I lost loves that I thought were leaving me. I lost a marriage. I lost money. I lost dreams. I lost ambition. I gave up.

Had I understood that I could have everything: my dreams, my loves, my companies, my health, my jobs, myself. All is mine for the creating feelings and experiencing everything as if it exists now - and it does. Had I only believed this and realized I was creating my woes.

Create your life. Create the Movie you want.

Your Life - Your Movie!

Namaste Speedo

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