Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Principles of Life

I've been passing out copies of the 12 Spiritual Principles at meeting that I attend. I am never amazed at the number of people who do not know what these are. We talk about them but they are never mentioned in the big per se in the Big Book. I found these at the 6th Step House out side of Encinedas CA (miss spelled) in the early 90's.

Here they are: Honesty, Hope, Faith, Courage, Integrity, Willingness, Humility, Love, Discipline, Perseverance, Awareness, Service. They really come alive when you learn the definition to each one. It kind of attaches themselves to the individual steps.

What I've found is this - when I am having a bad few days, I can go to these principles and practice each one perfectly for that day. I know that I will never reach perfection, but I can accept progress for that day. Then I move on to the next principle the next day. I find that I regain my center and I am kinder to my fellow kids that I run into on our collective journey.

It works for me.

Your Life - Your Rules!
Namaste Speedo

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