Sunday, April 12, 2009

Totally Unreasonable??

"It's not like you're being totally unreasonable. It's that no one - seems to be willing to see things your way. Now - Why might that be?"

I know that I can relate to the statement. I have to admit - I don't think that it's wrong to have our own opinions. I believe it's only human nature that our personal experiences color our beliefs and reactions to ideals and events. This is not to say that things can change with new current factual information or a new personal experience.

I have to look to see if I need to evolve in certain areas. As we all should do. Am I hanging onto beliefs out of traditions and habits? Am I so entrenched in my beliefs that I have become closed minded to others' opinions. I hope not.

I find that I need - yes this is a real need - to remain willing, honest and open-minded as I walk through my life daily. Any resistance to new ideas and I find myself clogged with suffering. What do I mean? From time to time I suffer from not allowing myself to become vulnerable to what life is presenting me. I become a director and not a participant in life. A sad state of affairs.

Can you relate to being closed off to vulnerability and the gifts that it brings? What can you do to open yourself up? Could it be entrenched fear left over from eons ago? It might be interesting to discover what you find when you take an honest, open-minded, willing look? 

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

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