Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Taking Care of Myself

This is a taking care of Spaceship Speedo post. 

Over the weekend I discovered I was in a severe low grade depression. I was paralysed in my bed for the long weekend. I have never experienced a weekend like this that I can recall. It felt like the flue - with no fever. I could not move. With the events of the last 3 months - my breakup, Jose's death, Jeanette's passing - it just threw me into a wall at what seems like 100 MPH. I've survived, but I do not want to go there again ever. 

I searched out some friends who have some first hand experience with low grade depression. I was directed to a couple of books that might help me understand what is going on with me. Books first, professional help second - okay I'm a little stubborn.

Since I will be working on myself and a condition that has persisted since I was a kid - you know a couple of years ago . . . (still a sense of humor). . . I will be foregoing my usual posts. 

Instead I will try to document my progress to dispel my own depression. I feel that I am one of the lucky ones to have discovered what's going on with me - my ex told me that I have had a low grade depression all my life - I am always the last to know, accept and take action. I know that I need to reach out for help from friends so please feel free to comment on my posts with your experiences and insightful thoughts.

Wishing you all the best.

Namaste Speedo

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