Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Simple Secret to Success

Here's a simplistic formula to achieving success that I found reading a column on becoming a better writer. It is the same for any profession.

It said that first you have to be good at what you do. Not earth-shaking information. Next it said that you never stop learning. Taking classes, reading articles and books, talking to others in the same profession, networking - I think that you get the point. And next, keep working in your profession - don't give up.

Too many of us venture in and out of "trendy professions" hoping to be successful without committing time and energy to becoming better and better. We become stagnant, frustrated and then we change our focus to something new.

Every successful person found something that they enjoyed doing, stuck it out through challenging time and continued to become better. Tiger Woods has a lot of talent fueled by hours of practice in his early years. Today as the world's best golfer - he keeps challenging himself to become better. Why? He wants to remain the world's best golfer. He has a number of professionals on his staff to coach him so that he remains number 1.

What are you doing to better yourself? Do you have a coach?

Your Life - Your Rules!

Namaste Speedo

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